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Making moves
Status: New idea

Currently on Firefox 124.0.2, the built-in Translations feature is not available when viewing a PDF. This would be very handy to have as it's already quite useful on the web.

2024-04-12 20_20_15-Greenshot.png


Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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We have been thinking about this.

Implementing it for full PDF translation will take a while, but soon we will release the selection translation feature which will work in PDFs too (you will be able to select text on a web page or on a PDF and translate it).

Strollin' around


I opened this topic precisely to suggest this: it would be fantastic [and the translator implementations are for me, Italian, the biggest problem of Firefox compared to Edge (desktop and for iOS)].

The user interface with which Edge translates parts of PDF is very well done because it opens a sidebar on the right that remains open and automatically translates the text you select



@fvvgwg2ryou can test our implementation in Firefox Nightly, it is working for PDFs too (just select some text, right click, and a panel will open).




Making moves

@marcoWill Select to Translate currently being selected in Nightly close this feedback post? It's definitely a good solution and I will be using it, but will that just replace the idea of translating PDFs in their entirety?

I can understand that it deals with a different side of Firefox than DOM rendering, and it might be a nice idea to ignore it and call Select to Translate "enough" for the purpose, but I would still like to see whole-PDF translation, even if I'll be waiting a while for it.

Select to Translate will serve great in the meantime!


@JJRcop  no they are indeed independent and we will still consider it, even after "select translation" is available.


Quick update, select translation has been released in Firefox 128!

New member

Uso permanente Firefox en todos mis dispositivos, pero solo no puedo dejar de usar Chrome por esta pagina   pero no me hago problemas, solo que me parece una discriminaciรณn por parte de TI a otros navegadores y otros SO como GNU Linux.

Bueno lo mas resaltante es que no puedo dejar de usar edge por que tiene una funciรณn de traducciรณn no solo de pagina sino que traduce el documento PDF seleccionando el texto y a la derecha se traduce en el idioma que configuremos.

Esta opciรณn de traducciรณn me es muy util en el trabajo ya que puedo leer el documento en otro idioma pero cuando no entiendo una palabra o frase entonces utilizo esta funciรณn de traducciรณn en tiempo real del documento.

I permanently use Firefox on all my devices, but I can't stop using Chrome because of this page but I don't have any problems, it just seems to me like discrimination on the part of TI towards other browsers and other OS like GNU Linux. Well, the most notable thing is that I can't stop using Edge because it has a translation function not only for the page but also translates the PDF document by selecting the text and on the right it is translated into the language we configure. This translation option is very useful to me at work since I can read the document in another language but when I don't understand a word or phrase then I use this real-time translation function of the document.

Making moves

this is a great idea please add!