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Status: New idea

I know from reading updates and FAQ that team Thunderbird  has no intention (currently) of supporting the RSS function in the mobile app. However, as someone whose most used section of TB desktop is RSS, I would like a way to sync my thunderbird feeds to mobile. Ideally, a way to import them to an existing mobile RSS reader with full synchronization across desktop and mobile. Would also love having a dedicated thunderbird RSS mobile app in the future.

Status changed to: New idea
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Strollin' around

Just made my account to +1 this!

New member

It would be really nice.

Making moves

Would love to explore this more cuz I'm curious about using RSS but don't want another separate app just for the feed. Would be cool to explore the UX of how to integrate in Thunderbird mobile and how to balance with other features that desktop has like chat, calendar, contacts, etc. I don't need it to sync across devices cuz my Android computer is my primary device, but I get why that's really important for lots of other people.

New member

I really like this idea too, 50% of my enthusiasm for Thunderbird has been RSS support for several years. Having it in the mobile app (or a separate app) would be great.

New member

I just remembered that the desktop version of thunderbird has this option and I was wondering if the mobile version had it too. 

It would be great to have RSS directly in thunderbird instead of using a separate app just for that.

New member

Created account to +1 this!

New member

Also made an account to +1 this, would really like if that became a feature!