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Status: New idea
  • Option to specify available physical RAM threshold used for tab unloading process. This could include a sub option whether or not to include page file capacity.
  • Ability to not include last access time, but unload solely based on the tab with highest memory use. This could include a sub option to also unload an active tab if all other tabs have been unloaded already and the threshold is still being exceeded.
  • Option to unload elements not visible in view port of tabs after a specified amount of time. This could be framed as dynamic or lazy tab content unloading. When the tab is brought to the foreground, unloaded elements could be reloaded as the page is scrolled up or down. I'm thinking this could potentially save RAM on infinite scrolling pages.
  • Ability to call a manual tab unload using a batch or PS script command, for advanced user customization.

Anything that can be done to prevent web content from driving Windows to page to disk, doesn't just increase the performance and stability of Firefox, but also the system overall. I would love to see some or all of these make into the last 115 ESR release, but understand if this is not likely. Thank you for taking the time to consider this feedback. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Status changed to: New idea
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