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New member
Status: In development

Firefox supports WebAuthn, but as far as I could tell only with hardware tokens. I could not find a word about Firefoxs support of Passkeys (like Apple announced recently) anywhere

Personally I don't know why passkeys werent adopted much sooner, it seems such a long hanging fruit to just store the key in the FF password manager.

I use FF to support a web where there is not only one option, like Chrome, but FF keeps falling behind and behind instead of being at the forefront. This should be a top priority.

Not applicable

1. Feature name
Mozilla Firefox with Web Authn.

2. What is WebAuthn?
WebAuthn is a new W3C global standard for secure authentication on the Web supported by all leading browsers and platforms.

3. Notes
WebAuthn is supported in the Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers to different degrees, but support for credential creation and assertion using a U2F Token, like those provided by Yubico and Feitian, is supported by all of them.

4. References

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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New member

It would be even better if Firefox could integrate with macOS (idk if it's possible) so when a passkey is asked we could use the ones from iCloud.

New member

Except for Safari, you don't have access to the iCloud keychain. Also I would not want it to integrate with iCloud keychain (which won't work anyway), because then you cannot use those passkeys on other platforms (Windows, Linux).

Status changed to: Trending idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Here with an exciting update…

Your idea has quickly received a great deal of votes (kudos) and support here in the Mozilla Connect community, so we are upgrading the status to “Trending idea.” This means it’s now one step closer to reaching our internal teams for review—learn more about The Idea Journey.

Please keep the conversation going (the more details to support your case, the better) and stay tuned for updates 😃

-The Community Team


Just to add to what @cicko  already found, this work is tracked in Bug 1792433 .

Also @ImFran there is a Bug 1650212 to integrate with Keychain, I can't give any promises or ETA yet, but every other work we do is also bringing us closer to be able to implement Keychain support.

Strollin' around

As of December 8, 2022, Firefox is the only first class browser that does not support PassKeys:

 Chrome M108 





New member

I am really disappointed that Firefox has fallen behind the other browsers on this. Firefox is supposed to be the more secure and better browser. Passkey compatibility should have been a no brainer.

New member

Realistically, you won't miss this for a while. It takes months for sites/apps to implement it, and the annoying ones that could really use it might never do. Kudos, but low priority; current solutions work fine.

Strollin' around

Cross device authentication sucks and Firefox will never get accredited for a software implementation. There is no good solution here except for regulators to a big baseball bat to Google, Microsoft and especially Apple to get non discriminatory access to their native keychains even when not installed from the first party stores. Hell, regulators should force them to allow cross ecosystem syncing of passkeys.

At the moment supporting passkeys would just speed up Mozilla's demise.

New member

"At the moment supporting passkeys would just speed up Mozilla's demise."

Not supporting Passkeys will do this far more effectively. I've been a Firefox user for decades and have always encouraged other technical users in my field to use and support Firefox. Not supporting current web standards - particularly security-related ones - is going to make it very difficult for me to argue that anyone should use Firefox over the alternatives.

New member

I would love for Firefox to add Passkey support.

New member

For those expressing disappointment that Firefox is "falling behind", well, I wonder how many donate to support Mozilla? Mozilla is working with a smaller budget than other browser makers. Also, as number of active users has fallen, so too has revenue streams from things like default search provider and site/article referrals on the "new tab" page.

Mozilla has limited resources, so they may take longer to get to feature parity than big corporate browsers with big corporate budgets. Be patient. And if you can, donate. And get people using Firefox, so that 'ad' revenue goes back up.

Strollin' around

Is not a problem of human time only, or donation, is a problem of choice: implementing it or not?

After you can start with minimal implementation with local os storage.

And after add it in the Firefox password manager...

And add ability to developpe storage extension also...