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Strollin' around
Status: Trending idea

I think it's a great opportunity for Firefox to stand out by supporting JPEG XL before any other browser.

Imagine images served by Cloudflare and Cloudinary load faster and look better only with Firefox. Firefox was a pioneer of web technologies and it should win the title back, if Firefox just keep following Chrome without any differentiation, why would people choose Firefox?

If the decoder memory safety is a concern, maybe Mozilla can start a crowd funding campaign to sponsor a Rust decoder, even the campaign itself will attract reports and attentions for Firefox.

Mozilla argued AVIF was already supported as a same generation but clearly JPEG XL has many advantages:

  • Much better encoding performance (AVIF is not suitable for realtime CDN optimization at all)
  • lossless and better high fidelity (video codec based image format)
  • HDR (there will be a billion of mobile devices with real good & bright screen in just a few years)
  • Little generation loss (important for web)

Supports from Facebook, Adobe (they're adding export support), Intel and VESA, Krita, The Guardian, libvips, Cloudinary, Shopify


Strollin' around

This is a no-brainer. Go for it, please!

New member

My support for JPEG XL is infinitely massive. If Safari supports it, we should too.

Making moves

I'm not sure why Mozilla wants to die on this hill, and at this point I'm almost afraid to ask. (One or two lead devs vetoing? Google's influence?) Just communicate, Mozilla. Update us on this issue, that's so much better than nothing. Or, y'know... just do it already. No communication needed.

Familiar face

A somewhat popular content creator on YouTube recently released a video in support of JPEG XL.

As of this comment, it has reached nearly four hundred thousand views in five days, which is quite a bit for an image standard related topic on the internet, and is currently the most watched JPEG XL focused video by a significant amount, as far as I could find.

Strollin' around

I really think that it would be a good ideea to implement jxl support in Firefox.

There are important companies like  Facebook, Intel, Adobe and others.

From a user perspective it would be very advantageous, especially for those with slow internet speeds, as .jxl images can load progressively (an image can be displayed with as little as 15% of it being loaded), aside from the fact that it is better in virtually every way compared to even avif.


It would be a good time to implement it's support to the mainstream Firefox build and not hidden by an experimental flag (like in nightly), as it would give firefox the edge against virtually all (big) chromium browser. Safari has .jxl support, Windows supports it from what I've known, so please, add Jpeg XL support! This is what differentiates Firefox from other browser, that you actually listen to your users.

New member

I feel like Mozilla simply can't because Google exerts too much control over them at this point.

We all know that Big Tech giants like Google act like they own the internet, so they would rather push their own formats (that probably comes with it's own set of privacy related concerns).

New member
New member

iPhone 16 should soon shoot photos with JPEG XL:
So if Mozilla doesn't want to lose the rest of Apple users ...

Strollin' around

ios supports jxl since ios17, even full HDR, even for wallpapers

Making moves

Yeah, same for Linux. The new Ladybird Browser also just received full JPEG-XL support. Only Google blocking the progress here, asserting their influence over the supposedly "free" and "independent" Firefox project.


Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

Just wanted to also throw in my support. I feel like it wouldn't sacrifice much of anything to add support for it. If this browser supports it, people could start to adapt it into their websites, and maybe Chrome would change their minds.

I think JPEG XL just offers such great functionality that it's silly to *not* support it.

Familiar face

It's my understanding that AVIF is great at compression in general, possibly even better than JPEG XL, but the latter wins in overall usability and quality. Yet, I fear that if Google doesn't face more pressure and implements support for it, we might be headed for a future where significant parts of the internet upgrade to AVIF. With (already) ample support growing day by day, I feel Mozilla should step up and join those officially supporting JPEG XL—not behind a nightly flag—doing their part to help with adoption.

New member

The fact that this is being considered for so long and not already in the browser is extremely lame. What is ACTUALLY going on here?

Strollin' around

Firefox will consider a Rust implementation of JPEG-XL
