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Making moves
Status: Trending idea

Add official support to casting to an Android or Apple TV, right now you have to use sketchy extension, it's not a good user experience.

Making moves

That's idios , every navigator allow that but no Firefox .

If they add this function please make us able too not have pub.

(You can cast Firefox on your Android phone using screen sharing but you can't do anything)

New member

Would actually love this feature, not sure why this wasn't implemented since the day 1 of Mozilla

Strollin' around

Adding this feature is probably a good idea, however I believe it should be optional. As someone who never uses the cast function, I don't like the feeling of there being an easy to missclick cast button right next to the fullscreen button on YouTube that would cast my YouTube video to the living room TV, interrupting whatever's being watched in there. The fact that you couldn't disable the casting function in Chrome is actually the main reason I switched to Firefox a few years ago, not having the cast button provided me with peace of mind. I know I'm not the only one who was bothered by this button's existence.

Since I've become much more tech savvy since then, I've learned that there are ways to hide the cast button, like with uBlock Origin or CSS, but less tech savvy people probably don't know that.

The best way to do it would be for casting functionality to be on by default, but with a toggle in the settings. That way, everybody wins.

Making moves

I was about to make a new post about this.

This is genuinly the only issue holding me back from using firefox as my main browser. I started to switch on my android phone, but it is rough when the feature I want most is not supported. Has there been any updates about this issue?

I would even be happy to have it as an addon in the firefox for android app.

Making moves

@lightbeamI agree, an easy fix for this and to prevent it from being seen as "bloat" is to make it an official addon.
All optionnal features of firefox should be addons so we can choose to keep/get what we need.

New member

Can't somebody make an extension for it until Mozilla implements it?

Making moves

Firefox could be the best broswer with a casting function .


New member

Yes, wanted this for years

New member

Still missing. This the the main blocker to adopt Firefox exclusively at this point.

New member

I've waited on this forever. If Firefox could use cast I would switch and never look back. Me and my wife use it way to often in our home.

New member

Trying to cast Christmas music to my google home max and Firefox doesn't support it? Say wha. Please bring this feature soon. Android has it. Why not the Desktop browser?

New member

Honestly this is the only reason i had to switch back to chrome. I would 100% use ff if this was avaliable 

Strollin' around

Any updates on the state of this feature?

New member

This functionality is definitely needed, I don't even find any plugin doing that..

New member

Will 2024 be the year that this feature is implemented? I hope so!