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New member
Status: New idea

I need that when I finish working on my PC in a set of tabs and close the browser, it is saved. And when I then open my browser on a smartphone it opens the same tabs that I closed on my PC, and vice versa. Likewise on tablets.

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

i am using firefox mozilla again to login to any website

i have had enough of that stupid message that pops up wen trying to login to a website

it open up all passwords and then what do  i do ??

actually all i really want to do is hit delete or uninstall firefox mozilla

it is intrusive while i am trying to login to do something quick i got to deal with that stupid

popup over login area with explanation what to do get rid of it or i delete firefox

Strollin' around

YES, You described the Feature I have needed for a very long time.
I would actually appreciate it if this Feature were implemented.

New member

That's so convenient.

Familiar face

What if one prefers to selectively open/close/sync tabs from other devices or wants to confirm syncing of all tabs ?

Not everyone wants their current profile session to be merged and polluted with entirely new sets of tabs automatically .

Strollin' around

@ikpjr this is where having multiple sessions come in. If you donโ€™t want to have the same tabs on two different devices you have two different sessions for them. But if you want to have the two devices sync, you open the same session. Look at how safari and msft edge are handling this, it is a rather cool implementation imo.