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Making moves
Status: New idea

In full screen mode, the bookmarks bar is hidden even if the setting "always show" is enabled for it.  "Always show" should show the bookmarks bar always.   A similar behavior happens when the menu bar option is enabled in full screen mode, i.e. the menu bar is not displayed.

Suggestion:  either have a separate setting to enable the book mark bar and menu in full screen mode, or honor the "always".  Thanks!

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

Why this is not default is beyond me.

New member

How's that vote going?

You do realize that others vote all the time, like whether to stay with Firefox.

Fix this stupid issue...

If I select "always show" it shouldn't change when i go full screen mode. Having this not be default is insane.

And for that matter make it easy to resize the height of the various bars to maximize screen space. Firefox should always be the most customizable browser out there. 

New member

Two things I want and should be default when going full screen while browsing (as we are just trying to maximize our screen space). That our tool bars stay the same when we access them, when we hover up top and that the windows task bar show itself when we hover down low. Why is this not the default way this is designed? It is all about maximizing space for people with small screens like those of us with 14" light and portable laptops.

Please fix, or give us the options to fix this, so we don't have to hit f11 (and in my case shift f11)

New member

Please fix this! make the bookmark toolbar visible in full-screen mode, I am getting burn in on my LG Oled because of my bookmark toolbar, I need it to go away and make visible when I mouse near it only!! help!