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New member
Status: New idea

The new backup in Thunderbird seems a great idea for large organisations but for domestic users trying to copy and save a CSV file of their little address books, it's a disaster.  Please reintroduce the "Export Address Book" button.  I note on your forums there are many requests for sorting address books since the introduction of the new system I have 4 computers in my home and all I want to do is have the same or similar address book on each one.  Otherwise, it's great.

New member

Please an export function for individual address books, like in the old Thunderbird.

Bitte eine Exportfunktion fรผr einzelne Adressbรผcher, wie im alten Thunderbird.

New member


yes, itยดs complicate to save the adresses. Why is there no possibility to export with one klick on the usersurface all the adresses and save them? This is possible in every other program. To find them in thunderbird is something for experts...

Good luck and thanks

Adrian Wellmann

New member

Very annoying that this feature no longer available.  Need a methos to export assress book only to imprt to another device uc as phone

New member

I just tried to export my address book with this new version of Thunderbird for Ubuntu.  Welcome to Hell.  Talk about making something cumbersome and unwanted!  Where's good old .csv?  And what about not having to export one's entire profile?  I don't want to export my whole profile!  I don't want to have to use sqlite.  I don't need it.  PLEASE take this terrible thing away and put it back the way it was or fix it so we can have simpler options..  

New member

Another no way to export to a new laptop, please fix this.

New member

Hi guys!

I don't know who designed the "export" function but when you try to export your address book you end up with a 4GB file which 1) is useless and 2) hides so well the address book that you can nevr find it back. Please fire the team in charge and provide a simple way. A simpler way for me would be to change my mailer...


New member

I absolutely agree - in old export it was good - just esport address book in simple file.
For business trips I printed it - it was very convenient.
Developes, please bring the old good export back !

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

Why do you think the old (Export) way went away?   

It is still there when you have the address book tab open.  Right+click on an address book and do "Export".

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team

FYI Export an address book is available by right+clicking on an address book.

Thunderbird Team
Thunderbird Team