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Making moves
Status: New idea

It will be great to have the same Read Aloud feature found in Firefox desktop reader view in the Firefox Android mobile application as well.

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

Thank you ๐Ÿ™

New member

That would be great!

Making moves

very nice idea.

i found a sample source for hook into the windows text to speech API (Synthesizing text to speech (TTS) C++).

Making moves
Strollin' around

Isn't this Read Aloud already exist in Firefox Nightly? Work quiet well. But changing speech language need to go deep to Android TTS settings.

Making moves

don't know when this feature and tab grouping will be released to the public. do not understand the delay

Familiar face

Definitely agree with this for both desktop and mobile. I think you can send articles to Pocket for reading out loud, but a built-in feature would be far better and directly supports the believe in making the web useful for everyone, promoting accessibility. 

That all said, I just remembered there is this add-on, Iโ€™ve not tried it yet, but worth a go?

New member

Firefox should have this feature everytime I want to use this feature I have to leave Firefox and go the Edge.

New member

Yes it is good that Firefox have this feature because every time I need this functionality I have to switch to Microsoft Edge. I don't wanna leave Firefox and move other the browser. Why Firefox does not have this feature when it is already exist in the our planet Earth. Am I asking Firefox to build JST which took 25 years?

New member

I've been using Reader View for years but just discovered this TTS feature on desktop.  It would be extremely useful on mobile, to read articles through bluetooth into the car stereo during commutes.