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Making moves
Status: New idea

about:config was made for this sort of thing.

I would think...

screenshot limit was reached after image height of 10000 was reached. I'm assuming the height is what killed it. (I hat dpr set to 3 or so)

Maybe it already is a setting there and i just don't know the name.

I made a posting about it over at and was told this may be the right place ...

this or bugzilla... and I'm just not sure this would be considered a bug.

Status changed to: New idea
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Not applicable

I made an addon, that "kind of" works around certain length limitations

Save Website as Image โ€“ Get this Extension for ๐ŸฆŠ Firefox (en-US)

It creates multiple images and bundels them into a cbz archiv for viewing.

Not applicable

Just for anyone currently interested/facing this issue. I created this  this addon: 

Save Website as Image โ€“ Get this Extension for ๐ŸฆŠ Firefox (en-US)

as a workaround to be able to make full website snapshots even if the websites are large.

Small websites get saved normally a PNG image, but should a page exceed a certain height, the addon automatically splits the page into multiple images and save those into a single Comic Book Zip-archive (CBZ) for later viewing.

Maybe someone finds this useful.

Sidenote: I'd would have loved to use the Canvas API to stitch the images together to always save an image, but sadly that API too is currenlty limited in terms of how much pixels it can process.



Hi, thanks for the idea!

We are currently limited by the canvas size for our screenshots. The max dimension of a screenshot is currently 32766 pixels and the max area of a screenshot is 472907776 pixels. So it makes sense that your screenshot had a dimension of about 10,000 pixels with a DPR of 3.

Unfortunately, there isn't anything we can do at the moment because we are limited by the canvas element. See this comment for reference.

Making moves

Wow, cool, I understand it a lot better nowโ€ฆ that specific limit.


thanks for linking to the definition.