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New member
Status: New idea

I have had problems with the latest version of Safari on my Mac and am looking for another browser. Firefox seems like the best choice so far but it has one feature I cannot get used to and may ultimately prevent me from using it. That feature is the position of the tabs at the top, above the website address. Please give us the option of putting the tabs where they belong, BELOW the URL address bar and directly above the webpages.

New member

It seems that Firefox can do anything except fix the position of the tabs!!!  UserChrome has stopped working with many of the "recent" updates.


Come on guys!!!! Take care of this!!!!!!!


New member

As Roberto says "Please give us the option of putting the tabs where they belong, BELOW the URL address bar and directly above the webpages."

Indeed, I can do all I need with userChrome.css (just some style changes to suit my taste) EXCEPT put the tab bar where it belongs. I use Waterfox for that reason alone, but would switch to FF if the tab bar could be moved.

Title bar > Menu > Nav bar > Bookmarks > Tabs > Content > Status bar (from top to bottom)

Please, please, please!


New member

Why can't you make the tabs below the search/address bar?
I keep clicking because of your inability.

So get that running in the new update.

New member

Wann endlich können auf einfache Weise die Tabs unter die Befehlszeile gesetzt werden???

When will it be possible to easily set tabs under the command line???




New member

Please make an option in settings to put tabs below the address bar

New member

Please let the users decide if they want the tabs above or below the address bar.
Especially in MacOS it just looks so much better to have them underneath.

New member

Will there ever be a fix to allow Users to place Tabs Below Bookmarks Tool Bar ?

New member

da kommt nix - das geht MOZILLA am Arsch vorbei 🤑

New member

This is a big issue for me with Firefox.  Perhaps a deal breaker; I'm considering alternatives now.

Who likes tabs way up top?  It's annoying to use.  Is there a purpose to agitating users?  At least give an option to move the tabs back where they are easily reached.

I'll wait to see the next update.  If this is not fixed by then, I will abandon Firefox for something else.

New member

You can work it out somehow with userChrome but that's a lot of options for something that was already there. Then you need to config it's width because it takes huge part of the screen.


There was option in about:config for tabs below address bar. It was removed.A lot of useless stuff is added but options are removed.

I know that the tabs on top is currently trendy, but that's all. Why you try to force it on everyone.

New member

Hello it's is still so difficult to place these tabs under the search bar. Especially when you know nothing about the script and css file... If a "little genius" among you could recreate a little menu inside tools or an add on? or a little script? which again appears a menu as simple as in the old version 4.

It would become without EXAGGERATING the HERO of Millions of firefox user and I don’t think exaggerate about this

New member

""(Note: a similar idea has been merged into this thread)

ja und? das sehe ich selber; denn alle haben das gleiche Problem oder Wunsch. Aber es passiert nichts ! ! !

Yes and? I see that myself; because everyone has the same problem or desire. But nothing happens! !

New member

You broke it again. Why isn't there an option to put the tabs below the address bar above the tabs?!?! It used to be that you could do that with a css file in the Chrome folder but now even that doesn't work. Why isn't this something that can be done with a simple click? WTF is going on?


Your rules need to be updated for Firefox 108. For help, see r/FirefoxCSS on Reddit.

As for bringing it back to Firefox, the bars were flipped in Firefox 4 and the preference to revert the change was removed in Firefox 29. Considering how long it has been, I wouldn't hold your breath. But you could check over on the "Ideas" section and vote for this if someone has submitted it.

New member

I Agree let USERS decide where the Address Bar goes my recent update to ver 109 Win 10 64 bit put in the the Toolbar window as opposed to between the Menu Bar and the Tabs. It irritates me so much I had to complete my registration in order to VENT. I have been a Firefox user since it originally came into being.... Netscape before that... In all these years you've never done anything that pisses me off more as there were usually a work around. I thought the days of software companies deciding how we the users would like things. Maybe you like it this way... Maybe I don't... its a great product don't get me wrong!! I have contributed $$ in the past as I believe most regular users should acknowledge what a  great program it is. I think it is.... at least on Windows. SO lease fix this in the next update... so annoying as I have a lot of bookmark menus on my tool bar and the address/search window their just messes it up by its place and ends up hiding them behind the >>