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Making moves
Status: Exploring more

The current Firefox homepage/new tab page is quite minimal:


I think there's an opportunity to make it look better and have functionality like the other browsers do

  • Include stats about blocked ads/trackers etc - Since FF is privacy focused, why not display info from about:protections front and center instead of hiding it!
  •  Wallpaper (optional please!). Maybe users could set their own or FF could randomly show some
  • Calendar or other widgets. Brave shows a clock (which is kinda redundant)
  • Weather (if user allows location access)
  • Some Firefox feeds/ticker. You could have "Did you know"s or good news stories about what Mozilla is doing/how they're helping the world. Could also advertise Mozilla VPN or T-shirts! Kodi (used to be XBMC) has one of these tickers.

Brave's new tab page below incl number of trackers/ads blocked, bandwidth and time saved:



Kodi RSS/news ticker:


Firefox's about:protections sadly not being shown off!



Status changed to: In review
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Here with another exciting updateโ€ฆ

This idea (along with 'Wallpaper in new tab') has been upgraded to "In review" which means it will be brought to our internal teams for reviewโ€”learn more about The Idea Journey. As soon as we have another update on its status, weโ€™ll let you know right here in the comment section.

Stay tuned ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

-The Community Team

New member

Implement a custom new tab. I have never see any other browser have this and i genuinely dont understand why. I have to use extensions that arent always the best. It is 100% a easy thing to implement, Please add this.

New member

 A clock, news section, some transparencies, some things like that.

Many browsers include the power to give a background and a fresher presentation to the home page and new tabs I think that firefox should not be left behind.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: a similar idea has been merged into this thread)

Making moves

Just came across another opportunity for improvement. No matter how many times I dismiss the once-off shortcuts, (my aim is to have my most visited/bookmarked places in the grid instead), they are instantly replaced with other once-off sites.

This clutters the view with irrelevant shortcuts. I'm not talking about sponsored sites either.

So basically, great idea, but execution could be improved I think!

Making moves

Adding these thing will make Firefox become a bloatware just like Edge.

Making moves

Since the original thread is now dead, re-rollin my FFView New Tab integration here:


Key changes:

  • The original Firefox View is no more -- now it's completely integrated into the New Tab; the tabbar button is gone as well.
  • All the new widgets are located under current New Tab widgets. The new widgets include:
    • "Other Devices" -- shows (2n-1) recently synced tabs from other devices, pressing the "Show More" button expands it to up to 3n more elements (where n is the amount of rows that can be fitted into the screen, e.g. for the concept art above it will be 3).
    • "Recently Closed" -- shows 3 or 5 recently closed tabs, including their URL. Pressing the "Show More" button expands the lists to up to 10 elements.
    • "Recent Bookmarks" -- shows 3 or 5 recently bookmarked tabs, including their URL. Pressing the "Show More" button expands the lists to up to 10 elements.
  • Pocket Recommendations widget is now 1 or 2 columns high, and is scrolled to the right, to make it easier to access the new widgets. There should probably be circled arrows navigation buttons (these โง€ โง things) to both show it can be scrolled that direction and allow scrolling by clicking on them.
  • Every widget now can be collapsed, just life in FF View (not sure about this feature, considering user can disable unneeded widgets in New Tab settings)



Making moves

@steel835, love the movable widgets idea! It will also allow to easily merge New Tab with FF View, and while the concept is pretty rough, I can imagine it in the style of Firefox for Android new tab and it'll surely look amazing!

Strollin' around

I totally agree, Firefox lacks really useful new features. Firefox View only displays the history of closed tabs and PDF editing can be done with other software. A little "Woaww" effect would not be missing for this browser. 

Status changed to: Exploring more
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,

Back with an update...

This idea has been reviewed by our product team and we will be exploring it moreโ€”this means that we're looking into personalization features as part of our New Tab roadmap this year.

Related idea here: Wallpaper in new tab 

Feel free to continue the conversation here in the comments and stay tuned for updates.


-The Community Team

New member

I would also want to choose my home page or/and other website displayed on a new tab.




Making moves

Literally every browser on the market sucks. Be a leader and not a follower and maybe your browser won't.

I don't want "sponsored stories" (aka, advertisements), I don't want what some intern at Pocket thinks is a "though provoking story," and I don't care about backgrounds. 

The home page should be about me and ONLY about me. Let users put any of that garbage they want on their home page, but also let me put a bookmark folder or favorites or something that actually matters to me on MY homepage so I can easily get to the sites I frequently visit.

Firefox used to be an innovator. Start being that again.


Hi @KERR , 

Thank you for the feedback! Personalization on New Tab is a major focus area for us this year, and some of the ideas on the list are currently in progress. We actually have some wallpapers available to experiment with in Nightly!

If you type "about:config" and search for "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.newtabWallpapers.enabled", you can change the value from "false" to "true", you can test out the feature!





@KERR wrote:
  • Weather (if user allows location access)

Take a look at

Clarification :
To avoid displaying my actual geolocation, i use a vpn