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Strollin' around
Status: In development

From the previous post on Crowdicity:

I would like to see vertical tabs baked in. MS Edge now has it out of the box!

I currently use addons for this - but there's no way to disable the top tab bar, which duplicates the tabs and takes up space.

Vertical tabs (with top bar disabled) would free up more space for web content, which is (usually) vertical. Most screens are widescreen (RIP ThinkPad 4:3 ratios), so the less browser UI at the top/bottom, the more content we can view.


The original post received 154 votes and as such was the 3rd highest voted post in the "General" category.

Making moves

would love to see this, Today I moved from gx to firefox, I am deeply missing the sidebar of gx where I can keep the meesege sites like Discord, whatsapp,X. Googleing it brought me here hope it's public soon

Making moves

@BloodAngel_sanYou can actually enable the sidebar right now, but there aren't many customization options available right now. But if you want to enable it, you can by going to "about:config" and adding "sidebar.revamp". Now just set it to "true" and restart your browser. There is another thread on here that mentions improvements to the sidebar:

Making moves

@YPAP2205I didnoy know this, but the sidebar is basically empty now. also comes over in full screen

Making moves
Making moves

Vertical iconized tabs

Vertical iconized tabs with flexible collapsible divider on mouse over, left/right position with tab preview and cloud tabs integration.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Making moves

Currently, I use TST and I really want the native vertical tabs is appeared ASAP! Thank you that you're finally starting to develop it.

Making moves

Hello there! @Elle  a have a few in different collections in my profile and the one i like the most is tabcenter-reborn ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Making moves

uhm @Gecko @Elle @Jon very look alike the one i have in FF and FFDev maybe is the same ๐Ÿ˜‚ Nice ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

New member

Lack of built-in vertical tabs are what keeps me from moving from Edge to FF.

Making moves

@Khrimsonwelcome , you came to the right place ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Mabrรญka in Taino language ๐Ÿชถ

Strollin' around

Please bring this to fruition. Iโ€™ll happily return to Firefox if itโ€™s at least equally as good as Edge Chromiumโ€™s use of vertical tabs.

New member

It hurts saying this, but Microsoft got it better with edge. Vertical grouped tabs, alt-tab tabs treated as windows. These to nuances are holding me from returning to firefox. I use Edge for now.

New member

Completely agree.  On an ultrawide monitor, I use the Split Screen functionality all the time (i'm honestly not sure if FF has that too, i just noticed it first in Edge).

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Khrimson appreciate the feedback! We have split view at the top of our backlog - there's actually a separate thread for that request here: Split-screen/Tab-in-Tab feature (view more than one tab at once) 

Feel free to check it out, add any additional thoughts, and follow along for updates. We'll post them there as they are available.