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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

New member

Hi folks! Just wanted to mention how great is that this is being prioritized for me. I study online from different sources and I have been trying to find a way to meaningfully group tabs since it makes it so much easier to focus and keep tabs open without clutter to the point where I considered switching browsers just for that single feature even if I don't like anything else. I'm happy to hear this is coming and I can keep happily using Firefox 🙂

New member

Please can we have  2level tab stacking like in Vivaldi, with a similar window manager in the sidebar.

Strollin' around

Tab grouping would do wonders

New member

as for now i've been thinking a lot to switch to Chrome due to this, i constantly have 16+ tabs open and now i need to organize them...

New member

I was just searching to see if tabs can be grouped in Firefox. I'm happy to see that the feature is under development.

New member

I'm actually not a huge fan of the Chrome group style where you set the color and write a name and so on, this is because for me webpages are very malleable/dynamic, closing and changing all the time. I would rather have an automatic system where the tab group simply identifies what the webpages are and auto-assigns an icon, an entertainment icon, a shopping icon, or whatever. Or alternatively, just grab all the website icons and smash them together as a big icon for the tab group.

Workspace groups should have names and colors tho. Make sure a workspace can be set to always open in a specific container. Workspaces should have customizable shortcut keys, like ctrl+tab-ish but for the workspace imo.

Creating the tab groups in chrome is too slow as well, drag-and-drop one tab over another is more efficient than having to right-click to create a group.

I also wonder if new tabs opened from within a webpage should auto create a group that are sub-tabs or something. Being able to search for tabs is also useful.

Operas tab islands are interesting, but I find them a bit confusing and unclear, the group color icons are thin rectangles, difficult to click on, and the colors themselves don't give a visual cue as to what the tabs in the group even are.