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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

New member

Hi folks! Just wanted to mention how great is that this is being prioritized for me. I study online from different sources and I have been trying to find a way to meaningfully group tabs since it makes it so much easier to focus and keep tabs open without clutter to the point where I considered switching browsers just for that single feature even if I don't like anything else. I'm happy to hear this is coming and I can keep happily using Firefox 🙂

New member

Please can we have  2level tab stacking like in Vivaldi, with a similar window manager in the sidebar.

Strollin' around

Tab grouping would do wonders

New member

as for now i've been thinking a lot to switch to Chrome due to this, i constantly have 16+ tabs open and now i need to organize them...

New member

I was just searching to see if tabs can be grouped in Firefox. I'm happy to see that the feature is under development.

New member

I'm actually not a huge fan of the Chrome group style where you set the color and write a name and so on, this is because for me webpages are very malleable/dynamic, closing and changing all the time. I would rather have an automatic system where the tab group simply identifies what the webpages are and auto-assigns an icon, an entertainment icon, a shopping icon, or whatever. Or alternatively, just grab all the website icons and smash them together as a big icon for the tab group.

Workspace groups should have names and colors tho. Make sure a workspace can be set to always open in a specific container. Workspaces should have customizable shortcut keys, like ctrl+tab-ish but for the workspace imo.

Creating the tab groups in chrome is too slow as well, drag-and-drop one tab over another is more efficient than having to right-click to create a group.

I also wonder if new tabs opened from within a webpage should auto create a group that are sub-tabs or something. Being able to search for tabs is also useful.

Operas tab islands are interesting, but I find them a bit confusing and unclear, the group color icons are thin rectangles, difficult to click on, and the colors themselves don't give a visual cue as to what the tabs in the group even are.

New member

Adding tabs to folders

To keep a large number of tabs open and organized, it is a good idea to be able to drag them (or group them) into folders. So, instead of 20 open tabs, we have 5 open folders containing those 20 open tabs. We can hover over folders to select tabs (or any other way).

New member

This feature is literally is one of only two things stopping me jumping ship entirely to firefox. The other is the android password manager not being up to par compared to Google's, but that issue is solvable and will just take some time, but not this.  

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Outercarnival39 we're currently working on tab groups — feel free to follow this thread as we share more updates on the work

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@armin if I'm understanding correctly, this sounds like a tab grouping feature. We have a similar request for that here: Re: Native Tab Grouping / More Customizable Tab bar ... and good news, it's being worked on right now.


New member

@Jon yes that is what I meant. Sorry, I should've looked more thoroughly before posting the idea. That's great news! Looking forward to it.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@arminoh no worries! I'll go ahead and merge the two threads together so the conversation stays focused in one space 😃

New member
# Tab-Groups like Simple-Tab-Groups OR Radial-Menu # +Bookmark-Groups like Simple-Tab-Groups OR Radial-Menu Ive also Suggested this to the Dev of Simple-Tab-Groups but this topic is rather a Mozilla Firefox Topic because this should be implemented in the deepest level: Here the links to my suggestions if something is unclear Radial Menu for Bookmarks just improvements I hope Github formatting works here as well 🙂 However Mozilla should use Github for all Projects!!! *PROBLEM:* - The Bookmark Toolbar is either sorted horizontally or vertically only. This doesnt allow for seeing more than one level from more than one folder at once. In order to sort Items i have to see which Categories ive already made and if this makes sense. - Sometimes you need to watch multiple Groups at once without losing view to the other group by scrolling up/down/side. *SOLUTION:* 1. We already have Tab Groups so i propose either this view. EASY SOLUTION 2. OR: We orient ourself to video-games which often use Radial Menus for switching weapons or abilities: Half Life 2 Xbox: **You see all Levels of depth for each weapon category** Basically 3 Folders for left, right & up and 2 folders for down For Image see Mass Effect 2 Xbox: We could also group the items in a circular way and then maybe go outwards linerarly to get to see the next level of depth. If there are too much items we could fade the last item slightly out by making it 50% transparent that indicates there are more items in this folder that would be off screen. For Image see ### **NECESSARY FEATURES:** 0.1 The Menu itself is basically just a different representation for the Bookmark Toolbar. All Folders+Website Items are the same and changes are made to the Toolbar itself. We can then just disable the display of the toolbar to see more of the screen if we went to. ### **Color:** 1.1 Set a Custom Color using RGB, HEX or HSL values for each specfic folder 1.2 Set Custom Color for a single Entry+ all folders located in that entry (The whole Set) 1.3 Set Custom Color for a Group of Entries in the first level (most inner items) if Radial Menu is Split into Segments 1.4 Set Custom Iterative Colors depends on the index order of the entries (Alphanumerical, Creation Date, Last Change Date, User Defined Order) 1.5 Possibility to use all options at once just for different Folders /Entry Sets/Groups ### **Form & Size of Radial Menu:** 2.1 Set the Geometrical form your Radial Menu should have (Triangle, Square, Rectangle, Pentagon, Hexagon, ..., Circle) [At best iteratively to allow the user to just type in the number of Edges OR Corners the user wants.] For image see 2.2 Split parts of your Radial Menu into Groups with Visual Representation. 2.3 Set a (Entry Set) / [Group]-Name which is displayed (above/below) OR [inside] the Radial Menu 2.4 Set a Dynamic-Size-Zoom-Factor for the Radial Menu that tries to keep the same relative Size even if you switch your Monitor often like Laptop users do. 2.6 Allow User-Defined-Alternative-Geometric-Form. (Same Folders/ Entry Sets/ Groups with their corresponding Size) 2.7 Allow to switch to the User-Defined-Alternative-Geometric-Form if Screen-Size OR Screen-Format switches (From Laptop 16:9 Standard to External Monitor 32:9 Super-Wide) ### **Moving/ Cycling through Menus:** 3.1 Move through the Radial Menu with the Mouse 3.2 Move through the Radial Menu with arrow Keys 3.3 Move through the Radial Menu with Custom Definable Letter Keys that either correspond to Folder/Entry Set/ Group ### **To distinguish between Folders:** 4.1 Display Folder Name with the possibility of Multiline support (User Defined Number) for Longer Names for all Folder Names. 4.2 Allow Folder Metadata as well as their display in the Radial-Menu-View (Tags, Creation Date, Last Changes Date, Importance Level Number, Symbol & Color). 4.3 Set Custom Image for each Folder as well as Display-Size for all Images ### **Menu Activation::** 5.1 Hold Key or Key-Combination to open. Let go to close. 5.2 Press Key or Key-Combination to open. Press again to close. ### **Menu Attributes::** 6.1 Whole-Screen-Overlay: Prevents the user from accidentally not clicking on the Radial Menu, but a screen element which could redirect to another Website. 6.2 Precise-Scree-Overlay: Allowes the user to use the Website normally even if Radial Menu is opened. ###**Inner Element of the Menu:** 7.1 Icon that opens Manage-Tabs-Groups-View 7.2 If Manage-Tabs-Groups-View uses the Radial Menu as well then the middle icon will open the Bookmark-Radial-Menu ###**Manage-Tabs-Groups-View:** 8.1 Possibility to use all Features defined above for Bookmarks also for the Manage-Tab-Groups-View, Custom-Folder-Images will be replaced by Thumbnails, Custom-Folder-Text will be replaced by Website-Name
New member

Tab Folders


like many people, I have the problem of too many opened tabs. Unfortunately, there isn't any add-on or anything like that to handle many tabs easily. A second tab row would be a first step, but I want to go a step further with tab folders, which include several tabs and can be expanded or minimized. Those tab folders should be customizable to rename them and give them different colours.

Even better would be a combination of tab folders and a second tab row. The first tab row is for simple tabs and folder tabs, and the second tab row is for the content of opened/expanded tab folders.

Please, work on a better solution for many tabs, we don't live in a browser stone-age anymore. 

Kind regards,


#tabfolders, #tabrows