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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

New member

I have always been a big fan of Firefox, but I recently started using Chrome more often because I found that it offered the tab grouping feature that I was looking for.

New member

I wish that it will be possible to hide the tab groups as with Panorama/Simple tab groups. I.e. only the tabs from selected group are visible and nothing else.

Making moves

@falolafthere is a greyed-out option to `Save and close group`, maybe that is what you are after. I guess time will tell ๐Ÿ™‚

New member

Are your requests included in this version?

New member

@VeganFoxI have not had any opportunity to try this out yet but that sounds at least promising.

I have recently discovered Edge workspaces and that is how I would like this to be. (I only use the grouping of different tasks, not the collaboration with others and such.)

New member

Fifty-seven pages of comments over three years. I wonder if Mozilla will ever consider this feature? I don't have time to evaluate and security-vet every extension under the sun but the one I ended up with, Simple Tab Groups, is a bare-minimum experience that involves far more clicking and popping up than in Safari to get around tab groups. Chrome is a non-starter for me so I'll continue to suffer with Safari's growing number of shortcomings for now.

Strollin' around

When will this version be released?

Making moves

Getting delayed way too much. 133 is here but no tab groups yet. I do not know what is causing this delay. As you can see all my prior posts, I am trying so hard to keep firefox as my main browser as its lacking all these features. Finally, the sync seems to be more reliable after 133. Let's see when we can get the tab groups.

Making moves

I am super excited to see that tab groups can be enabled in 133, I really appreciate all the hard work that the Firefox team is putting in - thank you!
Some things that I noticed:
- One can click on a group to make its tabs invisible, but they do not disappear completely as they still take up space:


It'd be neat if a "hidden" group would only show the groups name, and not take up any additional space!
- Tabs in a group are separated by colored bars (in blue in this pic, the yellow lines are for containers):


This is a bit cluttered compared to addons which draw a line stretching from a group's first tab to its last.
- The sidebar (the one that is used to show bookmarks, not the one for vertical tabs) can be resized until reaching some minimal size. It could be nice if this minimal limit did not exist!

Making moves

133 is here but no tab groups yet. I do not know what is causing this delay.

@eleczillaSwitch "browser.tabs.groups.enabled" to "true" in "about:config"

Making moves
This is a bit cluttered compared to addons which draw a line stretching from a group's first tab to its last.

100% agree

Strollin' around

Ok seeing the Tab Group Feauture hit the main branch (even if unofficial) definitely is exciting.
Two things that still make this feature more hassle than useful, are still causing issues though.

Tabs still feel suuuuper finicky to move around.
A milimeter to the right or left and you create a hole new tab group and its basically impossible to remove a tab from a group without ALWAYS creating a new group.
The main focus of improvement definitely needs to be on that, as anyone working with a lot of tabs already knows, its enough struggle to stay on top of all of them, let alone needing to have the patience to surgically align each tab with nano meter precision.
It needs to be a "I chuck it here and be done with it" kind of feel.

The other Point is still the colour.
I don't think it would be that much extra work to expand the current colour selection to be able to be set completely personally with RGB Circle or Sliders.
There current selection of 9 is not that useful in my opinion.
As I think most heavy tab users that need groups can easily fill 9 groups up, and as someone who loves to specify colours and icons to stuff, not having the freedom to give each group a specific colour feels a bit limiting, especially considering that it wouldn't be much extra to implement that.

Especially a Menu like this for example:

I'm not trying to make anyone feel like the work isn't enough, I'm mainly concerned about the implementiation not being good enough to be seriously considered.
Right now, the tab moving alone basically makes the feature unusable (at least for me) but the colours just feel like an easy opportunity to expand on something Chromium based browsers are basically not even trying to improve.

Tab Groups don't need to be bloated with 200 features, but I feel more colours would just be a QoL feature setting it already apart.

As it is right now at least, Tab Groups are still unusable for me.
I hope the moving of Tabs can be tweaked and resolved so that when the DevTeam feels it is ready to hit the Main Branch and be automatically turned on, it will be as good if not better as the other Browser alternatives.

But right now if nothing changes until it is enabled natively, I feel it would set an end to my daily use of Firefox as Tab Groups almost are mandatory for every moment I use browsers.
I really do not wish to switch, but the moving is really obstructive instead of helpful.

I'm not sure where the Team is at and what their current concerns are but I hope they can give Tab Groups a bit more love and focus, as it is right now, other Browsers defintiely still offer a better version of it and it doesn't even equal the ease-of-use, even after more than 2 years of pushing for this feature, meanwhile the competition didn't do anything with their Tab grouping as it was already fine enough.

Making moves

@yermulnik  Thanks a lot. I enabled it via about:config. As @FirefoxConnect  has mentioned, it's cluttered at the moment. But, at least its available in some shape now. Glad about that. I hope the stable release will have a much more refined tab management in the coming updates. Hopefully not beyond this year or at least by Jan.

Making moves

I'm only missing the ability to move tab groups (left & right)!!!

Now they're pretty much glued to where they're created!

New member

How do you enable that the browser creates these groups automatically? If I have to assign every tab by hand, that slows me down so much.