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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Vishal999 thanks for the suggestion! It was merged into a similar thread - and good news, we are currently working on this feature and will share some updates here.

New member


New member

Pushing this up... +1

New member

Bumping this up, extremely important feature... +1

New member

Is there an officially stated reason that Mozilla does not want to implement this? Patent infringement etc.? Internal design limitations?

At least speak up and let the community know.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@ramot1029 we're working on this feature right now and will be sharing some updates soon. Thanks all for the feedback!

New member

You've been saying that for ages, when will it high nightly? How far along are you?

New member

You've been saying that for ages. Can we get a real update? How far along in development are they?

New member

The same! I had to install Chrome to have this option. Different windows (it was a suggestion here) is not a good alternative for me, it is not user friendly.

New member

Can you at least give us a description of the capability in development? Is it going to be architecturally like a file explorer with automatic "bookmark" retention? Anything less will be just another failed attempt. In file explorer, the computer is the root of drives, each as a root of a database hierarchy of folders and subfolders, containing lists of subfolders and files, etc. What we are seeking is for the browser to parallel the computer, allowing the construction of the folder and subfolder and file style database hierarchy of URLs and file-shortcuts. Multiple instances of the browser would require access to the common database of URLs.

Making moves

First sights of tab groups. It currently doesn't do much more than just grouping them together, and one can't set a colour or give it a name. I am happy to see this though!

Screenshot 2024-09-20 at 15.18.52.png

New member

It is a start! Bravo! :3 This is much appreciated!

New member

Please return tab grouping as a native functionality in Firefox!

New member

It's maddening to me that this feature was removed, please put it back!