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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

New member

It doesn’t have to be difficult.
Just remember the TGM Tab Group Manager add-on that existed before Panorama.
I think the author was Axel Shootingstar.
That TGM add-on and the Vertical Tab add-on or the Tree Style add-on were all we needed.
Some people want Vivaldi tab groups, but Vivaldi tab groups are only nearly equivalent to TGM.
They just need to bring back the TGM tab group manager add-on.


Just make this a native implementation.

5a2851d27b53c16641c07b4763e44e0bfc83b70f5a2851d27b53c16641c07b4763e44e0bfc83b70f 1 1 1

I am Japanese, so my English may not be correct, hence I leave the Japanese text below as well.

作者はAxel Shootingstar だったかと思います。

Making moves
New member

Tab Grouping


This idea can be explained quite easily.

Grouping tabs into parent groups that can be shown like regular tabs but can be opened (on hover or click perhaps) to show other tabs that was moved there.

I did a little digging and found that Firefox, once upon a time, did have this feature.  I can't remember it and I've been a DEDICATED fan since the single digit version days.

I was thinking a way to create and edit groups can be done in the customization screen and then you can simply multi-select your tabs and move them (by a right click for instance) to one of the created groups.

This might be more complicated then I think it is, but the concept is quite simple.

I regularly/always have anywhere between 50 and 300 open tabs.  With that many tabs; organization becomes a nightmare.  I regularly have to close tabs just to get some order, knowing I can access the closed page again from history or by reopening closed tabs.

Thank You for taking the time to consider my proposed feature request.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Gh05t thanks for submitting this idea, which has been merged into a similar idea thread for a tab grouping feature. Good news...this is currently being worked on and we will be sharing updates on the progress here. Stay tuned.

New member

I would like to group tabs together. So for example say you have 5 tabs open and 2 of them is for work but you're on break you should be able to group them so they appear as one tab until you open them again just to save space. This would be especially nice on Firefox mobile as it gives the ability to switch between tabs of similar/same topics more easily. This would make research more easy.

Strollin' around

HOW is Firefox the only major browser that does not support tab groups? It's 2024, get it added!

New member

It's almost 2025 and Firefox is still living in 2015 without grouped tabs. I'm happy with Firefox for a lot of things, but because of several things like this I'm questioning if I should just go back to a.... Chromium based browser.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Making moves

I saw on Reddit that a flag for tab groups in about:config was spotted in the nightly channel. While it's not functional yet, it could mean that tab groups are coming to the nightly channel soon.

New member

From what I can gather from this post, and likely from other older posts and calls, people have been requesting this feature since 2022, yet Mozilla has not responded to their straightforward request. Surprisingly, they implemented AI, which virtually no one concerned with privacy asked for, and neglected to add this fundamental feature to the browser. This lack of response to user feedback from Mozilla is disappointing. How do they expect users to continue using their browser when such a basic and essential request has gone unanswered for years?


Community Manager
Community Manager

@Kudo-Holmes we've responded in this thread a handful of times and updated the status to 'In development' as we currently have a team working on bringing this feature to Firefox. It was also featured in this post here: Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox 

And we are planning to share some more progress on the work here, stay tuned.

Strollin' around

Great to hear Jon, glad to see the Firefox team are going to take this one seriously. Can't wait to see it!

New member

I like how edge and chrome have tab groups but I scrolling through lots of tabs on firefox is nice too, if u combine the 2 features... I would use tab groups all the time, very useful! someone please make it happen.

New member

Ability to group multiple tabs.

Please introduce the feature of grouping together tabs simply by right clicking on a tab and moving it to a group. Also the ability of color coding the tab groups would be useful. These features are already available in google Chrome browser.

Making moves

I'd personally be happy with the ability to rename or recolor tabs and have them stick.  Plugins can rename a tab but as soon as I navigate to another page I lose that customization, and then I'm stuck with half a dozen tabs that just say, "GitHub."