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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

New member

We want tab groups!!

Strollin' around

Add native tab groups and I'll delete chrome and switch back to firefox

New member

Schipt's example is exactly what I'm looking for.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@datgrlWhat is the Schipt tab grouping feature like? And why does it work best for you? Thanks!

New member

Please, dear god, just add the tab groups

We are begging you. Pleading with you. Please, please just add this basic feature (that Firefox pioneered!) back into the browser. I've tried valiantly to keep Firefox as my default, but that's ending today and I (like many others) am giving up for now. None of the available Add-Ons provide the same convenience or benefit, and the fact that people have been begging for this for years now to no avail is really disappointing.

I love Firefox and will joyously switch back once (if?) this ever gets done, but for now I'm joining the ranks of those who are migrating elsewhere and it stinks.

New member

The tabs are all grouped underneath the main group tab. If you look at the picture he supplied, all the groups are shown closed, across the top of the browser. When you click the tab you want, it expands and shows the pages that are grouped under that tab. Click again, and they close but the other group tabs are still showing.  I don't have to go under 'extensions' and find the tab group extension, then click it there, then go to the group and click the tab.  It's like 3 extra steps to find the tab group and the underlying page you want.


New member

Sorry for the double post.  This is a link to the screenshot Schipt supplied in their post.

New member

Just adding my name to the list.

Waiting for tab groups to be added so I can ditch Chrome before manifest V3 changes lock-in and break adblocking. Tried the extensions that have been suggested as an alternative but (IMO) do not achieve the same functionality and are clunky and visually unpleasant to use. 

New member

To be honest, I have always pitched Tab Stacks instead of Tab Groups. Maybe people are conflating one with the other, but Tab Stacks are better suited for open browsing as everything is sorted to the parent page, whereas Tab Groups are much better if you go to the exact same pages all the time. I'm not sure if you might as well be using bookmarks, then, but maybe I am misunderstanding something here.

However, I will be delighted to see Tab Stacks OR Tab Groups make it into Firefox.

Making moves

Any updates? Hope to learn more about the work that's happening.  

New member


New member

I'm going back to Chrome if this doesn't come soon @Jon 

New member

I'm waiting for this too, it's a modern feature that is lacking in Firefox. Please add grouped tabs exactly like how Chrome/Edge has it.

New member

It doesn’t have to be difficult.
Just remember the TGM Tab Group Manager add-on that existed before Panorama.
I think the author was Axel Shootingstar.
That TGM add-on and the Vertical Tab add-on or the Tree Style add-on were all we needed.
Some people want Vivaldi tab groups, but Vivaldi tab groups are only nearly equivalent to TGM.
They just need to bring back the TGM tab group manager add-on.


Just make this a native implementation.

5a2851d27b53c16641c07b4763e44e0bfc83b70f5a2851d27b53c16641c07b4763e44e0bfc83b70f 1 1 1

I am Japanese, so my English may not be correct, hence I leave the Japanese text below as well.

作者はAxel Shootingstar だったかと思います。

Making moves