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Strollin' around
Status: In development

I'm personally a heavy tab user but have always wondered why there is almost no support for tab grouping or customization in the native tab bar in Firefox.

I think making it able to group like Google Chrome does for example or at least giving more access for extensions and add-ons would significantly improve the UI in that regard.

New member

@arjunn  i can help you, i understand Arabic.

New member

Having multiple windows open is not the solution to reduce tabs clutter, if Firefox had something like Chrome's tab grouping system it would be the perfect browser for me, i used Chrome for so long but i moved to FF for privacy reasons.
I wish they would add this feature natively to FF

New member

Tab groups is the No1 reason I still use Chrome as my main browser instead of Firefox

New member

Tab Group And also customization of these same

They should implement a group of tabs that can be grouped into one but that these can be customized, as they will say that you can put a name category  They should implement a group of tabs that can be grouped into one but that these can be customized, as they will say that you can put a name category   They should implement a group of tabs that can be grouped into one but that these can be customized, as they will say that you can put a name category  They should implement a group of tabs that can be grouped into one but that these can be customized, as they will say that you can put a name category also that you can choose a color so that you can know what each thing is for without getting confused

That would be COOL and make the browser more attractive than it already is

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Making moves

Can the Firefox team bring tab grouping like Vivaldi ? I've tried all the browsers tab grouping and Vivaldi one is by far the superior one

In my view all others tab grouping expanding and collapsing groups gives a bad overall experience and require constant looking for the tab you want because of all that moving, instead of a fixed spot

Currently in Firefox i use multi-row css and Simple Tab Groups but getting annoyed by all the extra clicks and the space wasted with the multi-rows as i prefer to have all tabs necessary displayed, i really don't want to create 5-10 tabs groups in STG and constantly switching between them

So a plea for tab grouping like Vivaldi style and not Chrome/Edge

Familiar face

@Spike, have you tried Arc ? I have only seen reviews, where its sidebar stands out in some ways, namely for tab grouping and organization. Maybe you can also check my description of it here on Connect, in a comment to the thread :
Improvements to the Firefox sidebar are on the way… What do you think of Arc ? Is Vivaldi still better in your opinion ( I'm also an user of Vivaldi ) or does Arc do some things better ( and others worse ) ?

New member

I'm so happy to see this is being worked on, in its current state the container tabs serve me zero purpose unfortunately besides to have a colorful border on top of the tab..

I have ADHD and if I hide the container tabs I am not using, I completely forget I had them open in the first place - having a collapsible solution with the folder-style tabs like Chrome will massively help me as that's what I'm used to.

Strollin' around

Like @_Deni I have the same neurodiversity needs. I have so many things going on and like to group my tabs together based on topics such as photography, Linux, HomeLab, Work etc etc.

I really like to have groups listed somewhere, in sight. Floorp does this when it allows you to put the groups (workspace) on the sidebar, but it doesn't do it very well at all.

I've tried so many different browsers over this last year, and while each of them have their pro's they also have cons.

When it comes to groups of tabs, I it a critical user experience for those groups (and tabs inside of them) to be backed-up or synced. And it needs to be easy to access after moving to a new computer or re-install of your OS.

If I am honest, I am surprised Mozilla haven't setup a "paid service" for allowing users to have more advanced syncing features of their accounts related to Firefox + Thunderbird etc.

Strollin' around

Chiming in to say that I, too, would really appreciate tab grouping. Chrome can even save tab groups, so that I can put all of the tabs I need to work on Project A in a group and then close the group when I need to move on to something else, freeing up resources for the tabs I need for Project B. Then, when I need to go back to Project A, I can click on the saved group and get everything back the way I left it.

New member

We need this, we DESERVE this

New member

Please add this feature asap!

Community Manager
Community Manager

If you haven't seen it yet, the Firefox team added a post 'Here's what we're working on in Firefox' here on Connect about some of the exciting features currently in development & on the way — including tab groups!

Just wanted to quickly say thanks again for all your feedback and insights here, they really have played an important role in pushing a lot of this work forward 🙌


Strollin' around

this is the only deal breaker for me to moving to firefox please ship it

Making moves

Jon, will we be able to try tab grouping in Nightly this year?