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Making moves
Status: New idea

The experience of a user trying to setup containers to separate each big tech services on their own is quite hard right now, there is Facebook Container as a separate extension and other unofficial extensions doing it for Google and some others but it would be a way better user experience to have the ability to add pre configured ones from Multi account containers.

Status changed to: New idea
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I have an added comment for this.
As many sites use big-tech logins, there is an issue when a user has multiple big-tech logins to manage.

E.g. I have an admin account and a normal user account at work.
When I log in to Outlook webmail, I need to use my normal user account, but when I log in to Azure AD, I need to use my admin-account. Both use a redirected login process to

The container system cannot distinguish which site I'm trying to log in to, because all it sees is "", because the login was redirected.

It would be supernice if the multi-account containers could see from which site the login process was redirected, so it could automatically choose the right container.
That would reduce my need to select the correct container (with the relevant Microsoft user account is already logged in), as it currently doesn't know which is the right one.

I'd assume this also goes for all other big (and small) tech redirected logins, but haven't tested this.

I am however glad that this multi-account container exists, as it saves me from at least having to log out of the "wrong" Microsoft account each time I need to change services.
All I need to do is select the correct container, but I believe you can also remove this small impediment with some good ol' fashioned smart programming of the container add-on ๐Ÿ™‚

The information is basically in the url (at least in the Microsoft login), so your add-on can very easily see where the login is redirected from/to:

Well.. you get the point.. these are just some of the microsoft services that use microsoft login, but there are many others, such as

You can make the programming agnostic simply bรฝ extracting the redirect_uri parameter and isolating the subdomain and domain name to allow the user to force a specific container for this, or allow the user to select a container, if they often switch between containers/accounts for a specific site.

I look forward to this implementation ๐Ÿ™‚