I'm giving up and unsubscribing from this topic. It's exhausting to continually get emails about new users who have signed up just to post about how important this is.
The fact that the feature is still just under consideration is absolutely insane. Who is in charge of this decision? Who is the boss in charge of that person or team?
Is there any hope for firefox adding this feature? Its still not added three years later and it makes the firefox mobile browser a straight downgrade from brave browser imo.
11/13/2024 was the date they responded to my Google review and said it was under development. In one day it will be two months. There have been a few updates since then, but none containing the grouped tabs feature that is supposedly under development. I have high hopes as this is still my FAVORITE browser. I really hope that grouped tabs truly comes to light soon, and hopefully not with some weird clunky twist to it.
I'm curious to know what take this long, between the first confirmation of dev start and now.
I guess the process of submission here - New Idea - Trending Idea - and so on... can take time, but man, 3 years for something this usefull and this common?
I saw that it's on "Exploring more" status now so quite well advanced. Let's hope it will be released soon !
@Harnesh hate to break it to you, but as someone who started following this in mid 2023, it's said Exploring more for a LONG time. I can't recall if it said that when I joined, but it has for at least a year.
This is the #1 missing feature coming from chrome. I keep lots of ranges open for things I'm working on (I always have lots on the go) and it's utterly senseless to try and manage 50-100 tabs in Firefox on Android. Whereas chrome I can keep track of it all with ease.
It's unacceptable in this, the year of our pumpkin peruke, that Firefox doesn't support such a vital plugin. Frankly it's ableist (omg are we allowed to say that anymore?!) that an organisation committed to principles of open access wouldn't support a plugin that is a lifeline to the unfollicled community. Do you have any idea of the range of wig manufacturers that we have to dig through, the range in quality and where they're sourcing their fibre. Grab Toupes is the only specialist wig comparison plugin worth its salt and I simply demand that you support it. I won't wear badger again!