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New member
Status: New idea


I think more and more people got used to at least the basic use of markdown. I think for the workflow markdown can be more convenient and less disruptive then the normal rich text editor.  I know there is a extension for that but is has limited features i.e. you have to convert your formatting manually by clicking a button.

Markdown is always universal, so there's no need to look for the right option/button/shortcut and it has a lot of "extensions" like mermaid which are really really helpfull. Maybe some people would like to see a markdown support for their mail-client, at least I would love to as I'm using markdown frequently and love how convenient it is.

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

I think its time support markdown viewer /editor across browser. Be the first firefox. Thanks

New member

I would love to see MD support, like an option for exporting an email as .md as more and more people are using this format for their second brain (like "obsidian").

New member

Thunderbird may support Markdown

Markdown is widely used.

It would be nice,

if Thunderbird can display received and composed Mails in Markdown, maybe by switching it on/ off.

Thanx for the ability to suggesting this and your work!

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

It's not that easy.

Although the Markdown specification was standardized by the IETF in 2016 as RFC 7763, there are numerous subtle differences in specification and interpretation (dialects) among supported software, making compatibility and reproducibility low.
For example, both language and sign language have the same purpose, but there are "foreign culture differences" that make mutual sharing not easy.