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New member
Status: New idea

Hello everyone,
I don't know where it comes from (my screen or moz update), but I have a problem I didn't have before.
When I open the tabs menu, the option to close a tab by sliding it laterally is way too sensitive. When I slide vertically to navigate, I very often do that with a slighly not vertical angle, and close one of my tabs. Very annoying.
I checked in the parameters if there was an option to deactivate that (Especially that there are crosses on each tabs to close them. The lateral sliding is pretty useless).
Is there an option to deactivate that parameter please, or will there be ?
Thanks in advance.

Status changed to: New idea
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New member

It's still happening quite often.

I think it started with the new tabs system (hold and move to rearrange) which is pretty cool, but makes the tabs interaction more sensitive.

Touching by accident a tab with the finger, while scrolling up or down, with a minimal bias, and the tab is ejected from the page.

New member

Hi, the problem is still here, and still very annoying.