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Making moves
Status: New idea

I know a lot of people would like Firefox to have the option to use Tabs in a vertical position (as seen in Opera or Edge). It's not a bad idea ๐Ÿ™‚ But I think it would be even better if the Tabs list was floating and could be dragged to any corner of the screen, making it Floating & Draggable Vertical Tabs or Floating & Draggable Horizontal Tabs.

Status changed to: New idea
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Strollin' around

Picture-in-Picture Entire Web Pages Not Just Videos

I absolutely love picture-in-picture mode for videos. I will often use this while working to watch Twitch streams or have several live feeds all in picture-in-picture arranged on a second monitor so I don't miss a thing. One thing I do not understand is why limit the feature to just videos and not entire tabs?

Broader Idea:
I would love the ability to picture-in-picture just about any web page on any tab I have open in Firefox. What I mean is, a type of picture-in-picture-like feature in which you could select which tabs/web pages to isolate, resize, and have the option of having those windows on top. Like picture-in-picture mode for videos, I envision this feature to remove the bookmarks bar and toolbars and have nothing but the actual web page itself isolated from the browser, except for perhaps an empty placeholder tab indicating that the tab is in picture-in-picture mode.

This would provide a sleek way to browse the web and have multiple feeds open and arranged any which way is necessary for a variety of tasks. Attempting to do this now with several different tabs is clunky as windows will overlap with each other, competing for space. Imagine a picture-in-picture tab of Twitter/X in which you can esentially resize a tab so that it matches what it looks like on our mobile devices. Imagine we can do this with other live feeds layered on top of other windows.

Picture-in-picture is fantastic for videos, but why limit its use there? Why not be able to picture-in-picture any web page?

Strollin' around

I accidentally just made a new thread asking for this idea to be implemented without realizing someone had already done so and that this was suggested just under a year ago. Second this as I would love it. I looked around and found a service that does this called but I'd rather not rely on third party software and instead would love if this feature could be native to Firefox.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@FuneralKazoo I'll merge your suggestion here as it has some really valuable insights ๐Ÿ™Œ

New member

Yes sir.
Mozilla Firefox @Jon make it happened.
Would love to see more exposure to your post @FuneralKazoo as this feature would be used pretty much daily.

Similar concept to video pip just mirror tab with very few transparent control buttons like back, forward, crop, reload and maybe scroll or option to chose whatever.
