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Strollin' around
Status: Delivered

Show Firefox push notifications from websites in windows native notification bar instead of a disappearing rectangle and can't be ever recovered! All Windows apps do this, I don't know why Firefox doesn't.

Making moves

Agreed! One of the most important reasons I need this is that sometimes I won't be able to open the website immediately, and want to check on it later on. The Windows Notification Center support this feature, it would be great if Firefox could implement its notification with Windows.

Besides, Windows notifications respect the Focus Assist feature that mute all notifications for a desired period, while Firefox's does not. Can you imagine having reddit and youtube notifications popping out when having an online exam? And it is highly possible to accidentally click on one of them, leading to the exam website's judgement as "Cheating", which is a loss I can't afford.

As far as I'm concerned Firefox is always a pioneer in adopting now Windows features such as the rounded window corner, fluent scrollbar and etc. They are awesome, and Notification is a part yet to be improved!


If you are willing to go into Firefox's internal settings you can try the native dialog by going to about:confg and setting alerts.useSystemBackend to true.

Strollin' around

This workaround just shows the notification in notifications panel, but it still doesn't stay there when I open the notif panel!

Just make it right for God's sake and don't bother us with useless workarounds!!!

Strollin' around

It's a Windows setting... you have to go to Notifications and Actions -> Firefox -> enable Show notifications in action center

Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,

Great news!

This idea was shared with our internal teams, and we're happy to report that it's being worked on.

Stay tuned for updates and keep on sharing your ideas ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

-The Community Team

Strollin' around


Yes, great news!

On Windows 10 with the pref it has been working as expected.

Thanks team!

Strollin' around

@user78335By default It is enabled in actions when Firefox is installed, but that doesn't show notifications in windows native format and there is no need to enable it manually.

Strollin' around

For many user it is preferred to use the native windows notification center for the customization, timers, history, better UI, etc.

Making moves

This idea is similar to the following and I provided what I do currently to kind of work around this... making the notification last forever:

Honestly though would be great to be able to enhance the notification management system since the windows native format doesn't even work for me when I enable it. We are living in a web app environment nowdays and not having this is a huge miss.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Here with a quick update that we're aiming for this to be delivered in Firefox 111. Feel free to track the work here and stay tuned for updates.

Thanks ๐Ÿ™Œ

Strollin' around

Great news!

Strollin' around

Looking forward to it... Great news!

Making moves

Good to know, John! Looking forward to it.

New member

Just got updated to Firefox 111, was pleasantly surprised to finally see native notifications.

Thanks, Jon!

Status changed to: Delivered
Community Manager
Community Manager

Great job all around! This was delivered in Firefox 111โ€”check it out and let us know what you think.

Looking forward to continuing to collaborate with you all here on Connect ๐Ÿ™Œ