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Status: New idea

Shortcuts are the way to live. You either use them or you either dont. But once you learn to use them, you can live without them. Its excruciating to move that touchpad cursor places, and much slower.

I would love to get a shortcut or be able to modify and customize shortcuts for firefox nightly. I want a shortcut to open the Ai Chat bot on my vertical bar. Moving my cursor to click on the Ai Chatbot tab feels slow and painful. Its way faster to CTRL + T, type "chat", press enter (3 keyboard stuff) than to move my mouse over the left side and click.

Thank you and have a nice day

Status changed to: New idea
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Some similar ideas here:

Add shortcut for AI feature 

Customizable hotkeys 

New member

Either allow this shortcut to be changed, or remove it from firefox's public branch.  Chatbots in general are useless.  The keybind conflicts with software my organization has had under active development for over 7 years.