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Making moves
Status: In development

From what I've heard Firefox for desktop has a password generator, which is great, but firefox for mobile does not, even though the Lockwise app had it. I think password generation is very important, since not having to remember difficult passwords is the main perk of a password manager. googling for password generation on mobile is less convinient than on a desktop, so I wouldn't be surprised if people just don't do that. Adding password generation to mobile firefox would really improve my user experience 🙂

Strollin' around

This is so important, I just couldn't believe this is not possible in the android browser.

Making moves

Yes, please. I found this page while googling to see if I had missed something. I love the feature on desktop, it's convenient.

Making moves

It'd be extremely useful for accounts that frequently require a password change (work, university, public administration, ecc...). Come on, keep this in trending ideas, thumbs up. Hope it's gonna be implemented. Thank you

New member

If I new where, I'd offer my time as a software engineer to make a Pull Request of sorts. It'd be really useful and it's already present in the desktop variants anyway so what's the difficulty on this one? I'd guess one could reuse quite some functionality, though designing the UI/UX might take a little bit. Then again I'd try to just add it into the list of suggested passwords.. just have it suggest a random password according to some, possibly high, standard.

Making moves

+1 to password generation from mobile

New member

Absolutely yes!

Strollin' around

+1 This will be a great thing to have new password suggestions like in the desktop app.

New member

This is a must I believe!

Making moves

Please implement this ASAP! Thank you!

New member

Absolutely! Two years later, mobile Firefox still is missing that feature. I'm desperate.

New member

Agreed. Password generation is such a nice feature of Firefox Desktop. I use it all the time and it feels awkward now that it is not available on Firefox Mobile.


Hi everyone!

My name is Isabella - I'm a product manager on the credential management team at Mozilla. We’re the team that fills all the data in your webpages so that you don’t have to. I’m excited to announce that password generation on mobile is currently in development. We’re starting with Android and look forward to your feedback once you’ve had an opportunity to try it out!

I will follow up with the release date once it’s set.

Strollin' around

@Isabellagreat news - thanks for letting us know! I look forward to testing it when it's released

Strollin' around

@Isabellathat's great news - cant wait to try it

Making moves

Thank you @Isabella for the update! I love Firefox and Mozilla and appreciate everything you do!


Have a nice day!


P.S. Don't forget to Donate if you can guys so we can support their work!