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Making moves
Status: New idea

quite often i have loads of tabs open, and then it would be helpful to have the option to make tab groups, without needing to bookmark it to be able to put it in a folder. Such a feature exists in safari, you just go to your open tabs and click create tab group. Afterwards, you can put the open tabs you want in that tab group. If firefox had that, upon every feature it has now, it would beat all browsers by a land slide. If you have an iphone or ipad and haven’t experienced safaris tab groups, go check it out. The idea: a tab group feature in firefox for ios, like the tab group feature like that in safari for ios

Status changed to: New idea
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Similar idea here: Mobile tab grouping 

New member

Yeah, I have tons of tabs open in my browser (264) and across my devices, If there were tab groups i could assort and navigate through them a lot quicker.