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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

On the Android App, hitting the "back" button will eventually return you to the homepage. However, it leaves the current tab open.  It would be nice if there was an option to have the current tab close when "Back" returns you to the homepage.  I find that 90% of the time I dont want the tab anymore and have to manually close it.   This could be implemented as checkbox option in the "Customise Homepage" settings.

Another option would be to simply reuse the last tab when opening something from the homepage screen.

Either option would solve the tab accumulation problem.

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@kym_hill wrote:

Another option would be to simply reuse the last tab when opening something from the homepage screen.

Isn't this already available in homepage settings? (opening screen set to last tab).

Strollin' around

(Opening screen set to last Tab) doesn't open new urls in the last Tab.
It is the Tab that is opend when you start the App.
I already have that option set.

Thanks for the comment

Strollin' around


Isn't this already available in homepage settings? (opening screen set to last tab).

Unfortunatly No.
The "opening screen set to last Tab" option, uses the last Tab as the opening screen when you start the browser.   It doesn't reuse the last Tab when you open new pages. โ˜น๏ธ


New member
Strollin' around

I agree.