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Status: New idea

I would love to see the ability to customize the prioritization of search shortcuts in the Firefox address bar by allowing users to drag and drop the order of different suggestion categories in the settings. This would enable users to set a top-down priority for results such as:

  • Switch to Tab
  • History
  • Bookmarks
  • Search Engines
  • Suggestions

Use Case:

I often have multiple tabs open and prefer to switch to an existing tab rather than opening a new one or performing a duplicate search. If I could prioritize “Switch to Tab” results to appear first in the address bar suggestions, it would streamline my workflow significantly and make them more quickly selectable when using my down arrow to choose. Similarly, other users might prefer to have history or bookmark results appear first based on their browsing habits.


  • Enhanced Efficiency: Users can quickly access the most relevant results without scrolling through less pertinent suggestions.
  • Personalization: Offers a tailored browsing experience by aligning the address bar behavior with individual preferences.
  • Reduced Clutter: Helps prevent opening duplicate tabs or unnecessary pages, optimizing memory usage and organization.

Proposed Implementation:

  • In the Firefox settings under Search or Address Bar Preferences, provide a reorderable list of suggestion categories.
  • Users can drag and drop to rearrange the order, setting their preferred priority.
  • The address bar will display suggestions according to the customized order when typing a query.

Thanks for the consideration!

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

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Hey rcdeck,

I know this isnt a substitute for your idea, but it may help in the meantime. Have you tried typing "@" in address bar to bring up secondary search options? For instance "@tabs" will get you results only from your open tabs and "@history" will restrict results to history. Could be useful for your workflow.
