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Status: New idea

I've really come to appreciate the container feature, but they're still completely manual.

I'd suggest to add a feature to bookmarks and bookmark handling, so that I can specify in a bookmark, in which container it will open.
The idea is to have e.g. one bookmark "Google/Docs/YT (work) to open in my "work" container with my work login, and another one to open in a standard container with a different or no login. Currently, this works just fine, but I have to open the container tab manually each time.

(This could be a more flexible addition to pre-assigning e.g. all * domains to one container as @bugboy  suggested.)

New member

Open containers from bookmarks

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

It would be nice to have bookmarks open in specific containers. E.g. I have some work-related bookmarks that I always want to open in my work container. This feature would allow bookmarks to be associated with a container, so that when the bookmark is opened with a left-click, it opens in that container by default.

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Making moves

Would it be useful if the bookmarks themselves could be configured to simply open in a specified container?  As I understand now, I need to manually do this, which can be cumbersome.

Also, if I open a new tab from another container, it would be useful (to me) if that new tab opened in that container.  

Some minor adjustments to this functionality might make this go more smoothly?


Making moves

It seems to me that this design really needs a "Default Container"

Logic suggests that if a user is utilizing containers, then opening a site in a non-container manually should be the option, rather than default.


Making moves

(I can't edit my prior post)

COMMAND+T opens a new tab, but there is no ability to define keys to open containers.

COMMAND+T should optionally open a user-specified Default Container.   There could be other keystroke definitions (user specified?) to open specific containers.   In Bookmarks, that link should optionally have a definition to open in a specific Container.

I think these make sense from a UX perspective.

Making moves

Should some Containers remain behind, and be allowed to store cookies within?

Let's take Facebook as an example.  If you've enabled 2-factor authentication, once your container is closed, you have to re-login and go through all of that.   If the Container is prevented from accessing anything else, a user-configurable option to keep cookies in a container might make some sense -- this applies to other services that require you to log in.  Again, Optional.

Mozilla might implement something like this for the URL bar:

container://[container name]/[full URL, including http?]



Whichever has the broadest useful impact.

Making moves

A potential bug or feature issue.   I can choose that a site like Google always opens in a certain container.  BUT, if I go to a sub-service like, it doesn't open in a Google container. 

Should we have the ability to wildcard a domain into a container?

Making moves

Cookies.  Firefox should present cookies as they are in Containers, so that when you can see which cookies were set, where, etc., which will help with potential manual pruning.


Making moves

Cookies should be presented as they appear, separated by the respective container.

This will make identification and manual pruning, etc., a  bit easier.


New member

This idea is meant for the Firefox Multi-Account Container extension.

What it does:
Playing around with the Multi-Account Container extension, it is obvious that we can open a website in a container tab; it can be configured to automatically open a container tab upon visiting a website too. Great so far!

What I noticed:
Today I went through my bookmark directories. I noticed a directory containing a batch of websites that I would want to open in one container. To do this currently, I would have to open each individual website to then assign the desired container to it.

Suggestion being:
Wouldn't it be easy if you have an option in the bookmark manager, to assign a container to a particular directory or selection of websites? Basically extending the Multi-Account Container features to the bookmark manager.

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(Note: a similar idea has been merged into this thread)

New member

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease add this as a per-bookmark setting!! Containers are useless for privacy if I keep opening things like banking or shopping bookmarks in my default container.

Alsoโ€”just like any Facebook URIsโ€”particular domain lists should be forceable into particular containers with a browser-wide setting. For example, any Amazon, Steam, or Etsy URIs could be set to always open in the "shopping" container, while anything not on a container list (eg. search engines, Wikipedia, etc.) just open in the currently used container.