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New member
Status: New idea

In calendar views, we have 1 week, multiple weeks, 1 month.

When we are at the end of the week/month, it's not easy to anticipate incoming days/weeks.

I suggest to be able to choose X rolling days/weeks from today/this week (eg: 7 rolling days --> Saturday, July 15th to Friday, July 22nd).

Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.

Familiar face

The original idea on this thread is a really good one (X rolling days in the calendar).

Can I suggest that mods ensure its visibility is not diluted, by removing the unrelated comments from this thread?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Good call @pg_78 - comments unrelated to the original idea have been removed.

New member
It's great that my request is already there. I was just a bit degenerated while watching the following week.
The reason for this was the change of month.
But basically: With the calendar you live 50% in the past. In my opinion, an overview of the next 7 days is an absolute must.
Best regards
New member

Must have feature.