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Strollin' around
Status: New idea

If it's possible, you should give your built-in Media Player in Firefox because I use it more often than my VLC media player installed (the UI when you're trying to play a media file via Firefox) a revamp!

For MIME/Audio: You should give a shuffle, playlist, Visualization, etc. (and If playing an audio, you should add an option to:

  * auto-add all audio files in the same directory/folder as the one that's playing to a playlist, or
  * Play the single file only.

For MIME/Video: You should add support in Firefox to play .m3u8 files natively (in Desktop) (I needed an extension just to play it) (because If I'm not wrong, Firefox Mobile is only the one who supports it)

New member

Hi Team,

Please provide built-in media player with fulscreen/Zoom option, player controls for watching videos posted in websites.

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

Firefox Mobile (tested in Android) can't play local files (mp3 files or whatever). It's a shame, because this feature is on chrome. So to play music I have to either download some sketchy music player or use chrome.

Making moves

On desktop now, firefox already has a song playback that is better than that of Chrome/Edge. So it would make sense to work this out on mobile too, also for images ๐Ÿ™‚

I know it's not a priority, but I could work on it if someone guides me on how to do it.

Making moves

Its strange that this is not a priority. Probably all other browsers have a better UI.

For example, Edge. it has ability to seek with double tap and pause when taping in the center of the screen. On the top right there is a button which zooms into a video a bit so it will take more screen space. From 3 dot menu it has options to speed up the video or download it


Another example is UC Browser. It even has a tutorial of how to use it. Its options are a lot more than what Edge or Chrome has. It even has a back button!
Screenshot_20230325-222002_UC Browser.png

The video was from this page:

Making moves

Media player in Firefox mobile

It would be great if there was a media player interface implemented in Firefox Android/iOS.  Where Firefox puts its own interface/media controls for playing videos on YouTube and other site, or just playing videos in general, like how Samsung Internet and Safari do.

This would be useful for websites where the media player/controls provided aren't very good.  It would also make playing videos on different sites consistent. 

Also, I find the YouTube media player on mobile annoying and inconsistent, as it frequently thinks I'm pressing something I'm not, due to poor design.

I would also like to add, that it should have the ability to be disabled/enabled by the user if they want.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

Making moves

+1 would be great

New member

wow very nice

Making moves


Making moves

Samsung browser and banana browsers have their own media ui and controls..firefox should also provide similar experience to mobile devices

Making moves

I believe Firefox should be at least half as good as VLC

Familiar face

Firefox should have a built-in video player

Firefox should have a built-in video player. Users can use the built-in video player when choosing whether or not to play videos from web pages in the settings. If you're going to develop this feature that I've proposed, I'd like to be able to benchmark it against PotPlayer. Your built-in player should have a wealth of customization features, as well as AI frame insertion and other features that can enhance the image quality and smoothness of the video. You can consider existing open-source video players and integrate them into Firefox. In addition, your video player should have a stronger function to control the video playback speed, the fastest website can only play at 2 times the speed, but I hope your video player can be faster, such as 4 times the speed, 8 times the speed

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

Add native video player like how Samsung web browser app has where you can view videos and has control features like share and download even on videos that don't have a download option.