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Strollin' around
Status: In review

I love extensions like Dark Reader that automatically transform any website with a dark theme. The way they do this is by injecting many new styles into the DOM, it works but there is two main drawbacks to this method :
- there's a latency that makes contents blink
- it reduces performances on some websites by a lot

So It would be great if there could be a built-in low level solution (directly in web render?) that would swap colors on the fly without editing the page styles and thus would solve the two aforementioned issues.

Making moves

Can we get this for the PDF viewer too please! I get blinded when I go from my Dark Reader browsing to opening a PDF โ˜€๐Ÿ•ถ

New member

I tried to get a dark mode for Firefox and nothing I tried was satisfactory. There are a few add-ons but none of them is really good, all have issues. I am using Edge for this reason, it has an experimental feature in "edge://flags" called "Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents" that works VERY WELL, much better than anything I tried on Firefox. I guess Chrome has that option as well. I think Firefox used to have a similar feature in "about:config", but it's not working any more. Please make or reactivate something similar to what Edge has, it's the only reason I moved away from Firefox to Edge, I just cannot get a decent dark mode for Firefox. Thank you.

Strollin' around

If Mozilla made a native dark mode support, browsing some websites which already support dark mode such as GitHub may meet some problems. I'm not a developer and I don't know there are APIs or not to let the browser know that specific websites have dark mode enable or not, but the extension Dark Reader would transform already darked GitHub page into another style color of dark instead of jump it out.

Anyway Dark Reader is a extension to replace color scheme of websites, although most of users choose the default settings I think, so could be used as dark mode enabler easily. If Mozilla provide dark mode simply to match default browser chrome dark theme, Dark Reader also useful in some cases. I recommends white list mode of Dark Reader to ensure it makes effects in some frequently visit websites only and I also change default background color into true black to match browser theme I set.

Status changed to: Trending idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Here with an exciting updateโ€ฆ

Your idea has quickly received a great deal of votes (kudos) and support here in the Mozilla Connect community, so we are upgrading the status to โ€œTrending idea.โ€ This means itโ€™s now one step closer to reaching our internal teams for reviewโ€”learn more about The Idea Journey .

Please keep the conversation going and stay tuned for updates ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

-The Community Team

New member

Yes this is a must feature now as chrome implemented it and it works seamlessly now on chrome. We need such dark mode on firefox. Using extension for a dark mode should be avoided.

Status changed to: In review
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Here with another exciting updateโ€ฆ

This idea has been upgraded to "In review" which means it will be brought to our internal teams for reviewโ€”learn more about The Idea Journey. As soon as we have another update on its status, weโ€™ll let you know right here in the comment section.

Stay tuned ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

-The Community Team

Strollin' around

So now seems to be a good time to think about Native Dark mode? I thought this should've been exist since ages.

Strollin' around

A built in dark mode for web pages already exists in Firefox for iOS and iPadOS (the โ€œTurn on Night Modeโ€ button in the menu). Itโ€™s very fast and doesnโ€™t slow down heavy websites like Google Maps (unlike extensions such as Dark Reader). My only complaint is that it must be manually enabled and thereโ€™s no option in settings to enable it at night/with system dark mode. It also does not respect websites that are already in a dark theme or have detected system dark mode (CSS: prefers-color-scheme).

I would love for this feature to come to Firefox for Android and Firefox Desktop too (with the above improvements)!

Making moves

We developers should also make it easier to turn our websites into dark mode.

Making moves

Why most of the feature are not directly implemented into firefox. One of these feature is must included

Making moves

I cant understand why most of the important feature are not directly implemented into firefox. Why we need add ons for basic work. Firefox need lots of major improvements

Strollin' around

This is the reason I'm still using chromium



Making moves

Yes please. +1 

New member

Good Lord, pretty please. I can't imagine why anybody ever thought white default was good idea for anything, be it web pages or writing interfaces. Opera does it perfectly, at least on Android so it's obviously possible. Also, other elementary functions like Undo Close Tab. I wouldn't mind some equivalent of I Don't Care About Cookies, proper session manager and so on either. Also, by all that is holly, make it so that links open in new tabs by default. I have machine on which I simply have to live with having to open new tabs manually before I search for anything, no matter what I do.

New member

Good Lord, pretty please. I can't imagine why anybody ever thought white default was good idea for anything, be it web pages or writing interfaces. Opera does it perfectly, at least on Android so it's obviously possible. Also, other elementary functions like Undo Close Tab. I wouldn't mind some equivalent of I Don't Care About Cookies, proper session manager and so on either. Also, by all that is holly, make it so that links open in new tabs by default. I have machine on which I simply have to live with having to open new tabs manually before I search for anything, no matter what I do.