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New member
Status: Trending idea

It would be great to have better integration with the Gnome desktop. Email accounts, calendar and contacts added to Gnome should be automatically picked up by Thunderbird.

New member

I want that!

Strollin' around

There is currently integration with GNOME Shell Search, but I think it could be improved:

New member

Gnome search integration, along with headless start / background apps and an optional libadwaita theme would be extremely welcome!

Making moves

It would also be great if you could have it so that events added via Thunderbird are visible in the calendar drop down in GNOME, as well as having it so that when you click on an event or create an event via the GNOME drop down, it opens it in Thunderbird

Strollin' around

Yes, please!

Currently evaluation Evolution vs Thunderbird for use on GNOME. Thunderbird looks much better at first glance, but needs to be able to speak to GNOME.

Strollin' around

Yes, please!

Evaluating Evolution vs Thunderbird for use on GNOME right now. Thunderbird looks a lot more modern, but needs to be able to talk to GNOME system contacts, tasks and calendar.

Strollin' around

Honestly, actual low-overhead background notifications would make me switch from Geary.

New member

Yes please!

EDS and GNOME online accounts allows for an easy and very convenient NextCloud integration.

GNOME's core apps are too limited (by design) and Evolution is ok, but its search engine is so slow....

A well integrated Thunderbird would be a must!


This extension already allows for a calendar connection, but it's only one way.

Strollin' around

Great idea. Better control of the notifications would be great

New member

This is the only thing keeping me from using Thunderbird.

Strollin' around

The integration of gnome-online-accounts in thunderbird would be realy nice!โค๏ธ


New member

Yes please!

Over the years (20) I have been switching to evolution just because Thunderbird refuses to cooperate well with gnome.

I just simply do not understand why this has never been fixed, while it is a shortcoming known for years...

New member

This would be a quality of ecosystem improvement for Thunderbird. Would be very much appreciated.

New member

I support this. Evolution is functional and its development is active, but it feels very old, while Geary is de facto a dead project.