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Status: New idea


Change the system of autocompletion for local urls (/ or file:///) from history-based to reality-based

So if you're starting you're url with / or file:/// it will suggest real paths on top of the other results. And also make this blue finish-suggestion, which is competable with tab.


Most file explorers (see image) or the linux terminal (just tab completion)


If you type some letters, for example "Doc", it will automatically suggest "Documents/" since I have this folder on my local filesystem. Under it there could still be suggestions like "Downloads/text.docx" or from your history.


  • If you're developing a website locally, you can access it's domain more easily
  • Local files you have visited earlier, but have deleted since then, won't be suggested anymore
  • If you rename a folder, suggestions will change to the new file

If there are still questions, feel free to ask in the comments ๐Ÿ™‚

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Status changed to: New idea
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