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Strollin' around
Status: Delivered

The Add-ons Manager page (about:addons) doesn't allow to Find in page. It has a search field, but it only searches online in This is wholly inadequate once one has more than a couple of screenfulls of add-ons.

In my case, I have over 80 add-ons enabled (and many more disabled). Whenever I have to find the right one for anything (enabling or disabling, changing preferences) it's a pain, since I have to scan the list one by one, check whether the name relates to what I want, and try to remember what each one is for.

Ideally we would be able to search for a string appearing in the name, description or release notes of the add-ons.


Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
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Not applicable


In general a search-, filter- and sortable table view would be very nice.

Strollin' around

Phew - 80 add ons and counting?
You must have loads of experience.
Are there any that you highly recommend?
Kindest - webswillwork

Making moves


Strollin' around

For those interested, you could vote for this to be fixed in this bug report: . The "Vote" button is in the Details section, near the top of the page.

Spencer: just the results of years using Firefox. You'll find the ones that work for you. Anyway, I couldn't manage without TreeStyleTabs.

Awako: did you even try?

New member

Not having this drives me nuts. Even a basic Ctrl+F would fix this.

I have lots of installed plugins but not all of them are enabled because I only enable them when they are needed so FF runs good.

The best place to store those great plugins is in FF so you never loose them, but at the same time you do not want a 100 plugins enabled.

This is where the search installed addons would be useful and perhaps with these additional things:

  • Search in the title and description (maybe have search options for selecting)
  • Filter by category
  • Filter by status (enabled/disabled)
Making moves

This is an annoyance, trying to manage over 20 addons for power users

Status changed to: In development
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all,

Good news...

This is currently available in Nightly (feel free to check it out) and we're aiming to ship it in Firefox 112. Stay tuned for more updates ๐Ÿ˜€

Making moves

This is great news, I saw the bug report go to "wontfix" and I was worried !

Firefox is on a roll lately !

Making moves

In the mean time,

this addon will give your a text list of your addon

 Add-on List-o-matic 9000"


It would be nice to have a link to the add-on's page, currently there is only a link to the author


Also it would be nice to have a filter search on the add-on page

Type some text and it only shows your add-on with matching text


And it would be nice to be able to select text and copy from the add-on page

It is very strange that you cannot select text here !

Making moves

This is an issue when your add-on list is

longer than this !



Not applicable

@Jon  Shouldn't the status here be set to "Delivered", since the "Search in Page" in the latest stable now works in about:addons ? Or is there another update to the search mechanic of about:addons in work?

Making moves

Last time I tried it was still searching the add-on store rather than my browser's add-on page. I imagine it's just not everyone that has gotten the update yet ?

Not applicable


"Search in Page" in about:addons"Search in Page" in about:addons 

Status changed to: Delivered
Community Manager
Community Manager

High fives all around โ€” this was delivered in Firefox 112 ๐Ÿ™Œ

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