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New member
Status: New idea

This is a gripe I've had for a while- I do dungeons and dragons through discord, and the music bot I've used has stopped working. All the other ones I could find that were any good you needed to vote for or subscribe to a premium plan and I'm not about that. Allowing to share audio along with your screen through Firefox just seems like a quality of life feature that will be a minor improvement, but still an improvement.

Status changed to: New idea
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Strollin' around

This would definitely be a great improvement. This missing functionality is probably the reason I can't just ditch the dedicated apps for Discord, Element etc.

New member

This is definitely an issue people have had with firefox for years, and have had to use chrome to be able to screenshare their desktop audio, It would definitely be appreciated if firefox was able to do this so we don't have to use chrome, it definitely doesn't help me convince people to switch to firefox

Making moves

please add this ๐Ÿ‘

New member

This is also the only reason I keep chrome on my computer. Please add this