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Status: New idea


Please provide a way to combine messages into thread by dragging & dropping message(s) onto another in the message list.  Currently messages combine into a thread based on the Subject; but I often want to keep messages with different titles into one.

In the attached screen snip, there are 3 messages regarding a shipment from ebay.  They have 3 different titles, since they are from 3 different origins.  I want to drop messages "B" and "C" (either one at a time or if I multi-select "B" and "C" they can both be dropped in one motion.

Once dropped on "A", "B" and "C" would disappear from the message list, and "A" would get the ">" arrow so I can expand to see all the related emails.  As new emails arrive on the subject I could either drag "A" (with "B" & "C" inside) onto the new message OR I could drop the new message onto "A".  Either way, all the messages related to this shipment would be kept together.


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Status changed to: New idea
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