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Making moves
Status: New idea

Please add an independent search bar just for searching tabs at the top of vertical tabs as in the add-on, Tab Center Redux. It's so fast and efficient! As you type, it instantly filters your tabs to show only those that match your search text and hides those that do not.

Screenshot - 2024-08-18 at 13.26.02.png


Screenshot - 2024-08-18 at 13.29.34.png

Before anyone says it, yes–I am aware that you can type "%" in the search bar to search tabs you have open. But this bar is faster for quickly filtering tabs you have open in your current group–especially when you have a gazillion tabs open and need to find one without scrolling for ten minutes or stop audio in a tab you can't find.

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

yes to this

Strollin' around

Great idea.  That would be very useful.


New member

It's a big loss not to have search for vertical tabs. With horizontal tabs, the tab selection drop-down includes a search facility. That is great for folk who routinely—and for good reason—keep many tabs open, frequently over 100. [We all interact differently with our machinery. What works very efficiently for one of us might be personal anathema to another. Each of us configures the system to suit our productive working methods.]