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Status: New idea

Before Quantum, Firefox supported MHTML format using extension. Can you add support for this format (read, save)?

Status changed to: New idea
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Making moves

Add support for saving pages as mhtml in Firefox.
The mhtml format for saving pages is very useful and convenient, for example, long or colorful pages are usually displayed, and this is convenient.

* ✔ The FF browser should save pages like .mhtml and keep up with Chrome browsers. This is not convenient because the FF browser does not support saving pages as .mhtml and you have to save pages as .mhtml through Chrome browsers.

Here you can save pages in mhtml format in the Brave browser.Here you can save pages in mhtml format in the Brave browser.


Status changed to: New idea
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for submitting an idea to the Mozilla Connect community! Your idea is now open to votes (aka kudos) and comments.

New member

Enable Firefox to Display .mhtml format files

Currently (September 2023), Microsoft Outlook displays a link "View in Browser" on its email messages.

However, Outlook messages are in the .mht or .mhtl format, and the ONLY browser that will currently display that format is the very vulnerable Internet Explorer, which is no longer supported.

Please enable display of .mht and .mhtl format files (messages) in Firefox, so we can avoid having to launch Internet Explorer in the future.

Thanks and take care.

Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

Since posting my comment such a LOOOONG time ago (gee! almost 3 hours!), I have discovered that Edge, Chrome, and Opera do support display of MHTML files.  We don't want Firefox (My FAVORITE of all) to be left as the only major browser NOT doing this, do we?

I will add my upvote to this thread.

And BTW, since I am new to this platform (but not to computers), I didn't see the related thread, and believed it when the platform told me "no related threads found." I'll be more careful in the future.

Take care, everyone!

Strollin' around

Always having to use different browser for this is kinda boring. Hope you add mhtml in the future.

New member

Important for opening email.mht


New member

I also vote to open mhtml files with firefox. Please implement this functionality.

New member

When we can meet mhtml in firefox?

New member

Still want Firefox offer to save as MHTML.

Strollin' around

at least add api to allow the community to do it

New member

Add MHTML support. Chrome, Edge, Opera, have it yet not Firefox. IF only you still supported MAFF format too, was about half the size.