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Making moves
Status: Trending idea

It would be helpful to have the option to be able to rename tabs. This could help to easily differentiate between tabs that have the same name by default, such as some email clients or messaging applications.

Making moves

wrt:  @ADGrimes

MyProposal/ partial work-around:
   []There are several usecases for Tab/bookmarks renaming, and as such
     allows an easy implementation mechanism, wrt current FireFox:
Case 1 : OpenTabs
TabLink Plus, was excellent, (
   [] before Firefox forced new addonโ€™sโ€ฆ; I used it all the timeโ€ฆ )
   [] since it is NOT on/official Moz monitoring, I would not use it in Private browsing, since security is paramountโ€ฆ
      thus it is not useful, for my purposes...

See next usecase, for a proposed, temp solution that works in both Container tabs, Normal or Private browsing, so all code is reviewed by Mozilla, Firefox team

Case 2  Existing Bookmarked tab, to OpenTab
   a) I select a group of OpenTabs, -OR- drag a tab(s) into some position on my opened, LHS, Bookmarks;

   b) I rename the tabs, so they are meaningful to ME;
      This can be done via:
          [1] Save an OpenTab, which you want to rename
            [] collect such OpenTabs via Ctrl+Select,  or individually,
              [] I always save tabs to One locaton I set for all changes
                 I call that location something like _ReadingLearning, or MyIngests
                 You can select the location in a the Firefox bookmark save dialog
          [2] Navigate.Cursor to Bookmark so created
          [3] Rclick.Edit_Bookmark, to edit the name, to make it meaningful to you
          [4] Then Rclick.OpenInNew{Tab | Window).type

----Unfortunately---,  when one tries to open the Named.Bookmark
   the now OpenTab, will pickup the Name of from the  URL, webpage, that the Bookmark saved.

Case 3  That is wherein Moz can make a slight change in the code, as follows:
    a) offer Rclick.Bookmark.OpenUsingMyName.inNew{...same as current options}

Case 4  Alternatively, one could add an extra field to bookmarks,
      But that would require more code, & have backwards (older-bookmarks) issues..

To me the Case3 scenario works best
    a) this might encounter following complexity:
       [] on page Refresh, would have to check my name, asume curr code again takes TabName from URL;
          instead of remembering the UserName (currName), then refreshing, then reLabling w userName
       [] on re-bookmark, should work, in similar manner, 
          noting that duplicate, bookmarks are sometimes useful, eg., Acct DrA,  Acct DrB, both with userName Appointments

    b) while at it, this would allow the same code group, to manage things like:
         [] the color of both the bookmarked & OpenTab
         [] the website or myPreferred Icon for that bookmark
    Both the above make Firefox more userTailorable, than generic.  it builds upon the generics.
Note the below example

24y0921_1734 Moz.Ideas.TabRename.submitted by moz_samri.png

Strollin' around

Giving users the ability to edit the titles of tabs make quite a bit of sense considering how automatically titled tabs can be (i) uninformative, (ii) titled similarly to other tabs containing different contents, (iii) plays well with the idea of being able to organize tabs under named groups (an upcoming feature FF will have)

In the meantime, editing tabs' titles is a feature that's conferred by some Firefox extensions like Sidebery (

New member

Rename tabs

Oftentimes I am working on an assignment or project and many of my tabs have titles that either do a terrible job of indicating what information or page that tab shows, or starts with similar or the same title as other open tabs. Please just let me right click and "rename tab" so I can label it with whatever short hand title makes sense for me. It can disappear when I close the tab, idc if it's under the original or user generated title when searching in history, but please just let me do this.


Community Manager
Community Manager

(Note: similar ideas have been merged into this thread)

New member

This would be a useful enhancement to allow changing the title of a pinned tab. When I have multiple tabs open for ZenHub with different views for different projects, the ability to rename the tab title helps to quickly distinguish/identify them.

New member

I too would like to see this implemented, it can already be done in Vivaldi, so why not here. Also, if we're changing tabs anyway, why not give the option to colour them, or mark them out. For instance, I have a lot of open tabs for SharePoint development, but of those only need two or three as my main tabs, so I would like a way in which I can mark those tabs. Opera allows me to assign an emoji to a tab, so I can quickly mark them as important, would be good if we could have the same in Firefox/Zen...