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Your Feedback Matters: Take Our Survey on Browser Features! (updated 8-22-24)


(Update 8-22-24: This survey is now closed)

Hello Mozilla Connect Community,

I’m Chance York, a User Researcher on the Firefox User Research team. I’m reaching out because our team has created a survey to gather opinions on a handful of browser features, some of which were suggested previously on Mozilla Connect. Your feedback on this survey is important to us. It will help us prioritize Firefox features to better meet user needs and enhance everyone’s browsing experience.

How to Participate: If you’d like to participate in this survey, please click on the link below. It should take about 5-7 minutes to complete, and all responses are anonymous.

Take the survey

What happens next?: The survey will remain open and available to take until Friday, August 9 at 5PM EST. After that, we'll close the survey and convert all answers into numeric data for aggregate data analysis. All data is held securely on our internal platforms. In the coming weeks, we’ll compile our findings into a brief report and share it with the Connect community.

Thanks for your time and feedback. We appreciate your contributions!




Thanks @Jon!

And a huge thanks to everyone who's contributed! 🎉

Like Jon mentioned, we'll be closing the survey today, Friday, August 9 at 5PM EST.

Appreciate all your amazing feedback! Thanks y'all.

Making moves

Why was "Twice as slow" in the options? I didn't mark it as most wanted nor least wanted because I suspect it was a mistake. Is this a trick question to weed out people who don't read? Then my answers would be disregarded.

Hi @brixter!For this particular type of survey, we use “anchor” items that we know browser users will tend to rank very high, or very low in the 'twice as slow as your current browser' case. The 'twice as slow' option also pulls double duty as an attention check, i.e., we can use it to detect users who might be rushing through for whatever reason and who may click “twice as slow” as their most wanted browser feature. In your case, your responses will absolutely count! Appreciate your time and care on this survey 😊

Familiar face

I'd like to know what features you're prioritizing, and hopefully you'll be able to announce what features you're going to develop when the time comes

Thanks @wutongtaiwan! Our Product Team pays attention to this forum, and I know they'll fill you in on which features they prioritize moving forward!


Hi folks,

A final update: Our survey is now closed. Thanks to you, we had a phenomenal response of over 2,800 completed surveys. I want to thank everyone again for participating!

As a follow-up, we plan to release a brief report on Connect covering the major results from this survey on Friday, September 13.

Our research team loves hearing from this group! Your feedback on this survey will assist our Firefox product team as they plan for the future. We appreciate the time and care you took on this.

Thanks again and take care,

Making moves

Hi @chance@Jon,  and the Mozilla team, I landed here from the link in your 'Firefox Sidebar and Vertical tabs: try them out in Nightly Firefox Labs 131' page. Unfortunately I just missed the deadline for your survey, so I'll tack my suggestions on here 😃

Firstly I'd like to second @wutongtaiwan "Firefox advertises itself as privacy-conscious, so the privacy aspect should be a higher priority" and their other suggestions (goodbyDPI, fingerprint randomization).

Personally, I am frustrated at (IMO) the poor usability of FF 'Profiles'. I like to work with what you might call 'separate workspaces', i.e. different subject areas that I want to keep separate. Depending on what I'm working on I will have just the one window open with a bunch of tabs to do with that subject. When I finished there and I start working on something else, I like to close down that Window and open 'the Window' from the other subject.

Had a really good try with your Profiles, had some six different profiles set up, but found it so impractical and cumbersome I had to move on. At least one of your competitors has excellent, easy to use, and well functioning Profiles (begins with V 😄), but I'm a FF guy.

In the end I've settled on using Simple Tab Groups in FF, which works very well (I have eight different themed Groups with their own icon, they are easy to switch between, and manual backups are a keyboard shortcut away).

In the fierce world of Browser competition, what is it that Firefox excels at over the others? To my mind that is flexibility (add-ons) and privacy. I am very much for 'hardening' FF, if this is an area that you see as a strength, I encourage you to develop here.

No doubt funding is an issue too. I pay for my VPN, I pay for my email, is moving away from your default search engine an option?

Other than that, I love the flexibility of FF, your add-ons, especially your 'Recommended' feature, that is really inspired.

Many thanks and I hope this feedback helps 😊

Edit: on my Android phone I mainly use Firefox Beta (I used to use the regular FF but found it very slow), and also have Firefox Focus with 'Block JS' turned on, the two together work brilliantly TYVM. The only thing about FF Focus, it only has four pinned 'Add to Shortcuts' spaces, with the rest of the landing page completely empty. Could we have more pinned places please 😅
On FF Beta you have 16 pinned places, the 'Jump back in' feature, Bookmarks, 'Recently visited' AND 'Collections' - now THAT is useful!!!



Familiar face

I wonder when Mozilla will replace the browser kernel with servo. I'm looking forward to the browser kernel written in rust

Making moves

Since the survey is closed, it's perhaps best to frame that at the beginning of the post and to no longer put it at the centre of the starting page ?

Good point. It's also strange that this thread (and some others) aren't mentioned here 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all, thanks again for the participation here - not only in completing the survey but also for the lively discussion! Since the survey has been closed, we're going to lock this thread and make it read-only.

We'll let you know as soon as the results are shared 😀 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey all - the results have been posted! Check them out here:

Results from the Browser Features Survey! 

And thanks again for participating 💪