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Thunderbird for Mac Slow to Open New Emails After Last 2 Software Updates

Making moves

I just updated to the latest Thunderbird for Mac as of today (128.6.1esr) and unfortunately still have the same problem that first started with the last update: whenever I get a new email, I click on it, and it takes a full 6 or 7 seconds to display the email in the bottom preview pane. This used to be INSTANT and now it takes an extremely long period of time when you consider how many new emails a person gets overnight. The cursor actually beachballs literally every time.

Thunderbird does not do this on version 128.5.2esr - that version is quick and snappy no matter what I do.


Making moves

That not just happens on Mac - I have the same problem unter Win 10. Every action with the mails takes endless. The EMail-Download also takes very long. Please fix.

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