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Thoughts on Scotch Bonnet / Urlbar Improvements

Familiar face

Hey folks,

Searched around the internet and couldn't find anyone talking about this, so I might as well start a thread.

Scotch Bonnet, however that name came about, seems to be a project around implementing a set of usability improvements to the urlbar and related search functionalities. Note that I'm not affiliated with Mozilla, and could be totally missing the mark.

You can try a preview by setting "browser.urlbar.scotchBonnet.enableOverride" to true in about:config.

Changes I've gathered include:

  • Quick searching on current website / secondary actions (e.g. when on YouTube, search videos straight from the urlbar in two taps)
  • Dropdown search button on the urlbar (lets you pick a method for a one-time search)
  • Search keywords/aliases (e.g. type @history to search browser history)

I think there's other stuff, but it doesn't affect user experience as much as these.

Who else tried Scotch Bonnet? Any thoughts you'd like to share on it? Anything I got wrong?

For example, here are mine:

I really like the secondary actions—Ctrl+L has never seen so much use. Didn't know so many websites provided whatever interface Firefox uses to get search functionality, but it's a lovely thing. While I don't use the keywords that much, I think they're a nice addition, spares me from having to memorize more symbols (I only ever remembered ^ for history). Ironically, the only thing I'm not a fan of is the search button because it... looks a bit ugly. The DDG logo is a weird splash of orange in my otherwise monochrome urlbar, which bothers me a little, silly as that sounds.