11-21-2024 01:51 PM - edited 12-02-2024 02:33 PM
Hi folks,
Over the next couple of months, we will be testing an updated sidebar, its tools, and vertical tabs in the release version of Firefox (remember, a while back, we asked you to try it out in Nightly 131, and we appreciated your feedback and encouragement in this Connect thread). If you are using the release version, you might get early access to these features and get a nudge to try them out.
Only a portion of users in Firefox releases 133 and 134 will see this experience, helping us evaluate and improve the features. If you’re part of the experiment, we’d love for you to try this early version and share your thoughts.
We’re also working on many improvements you’ve requested, including:
As usual, we appreciate your patience as we iron out the rough spots in the experience. If you’re not ready to engage with these new features, you can disable them in the sidebar settings or opt out from the experiment via about:studies.
If you are are having trouble figuring out how to disable the sidebar, please follow these steps:
1. Locate the gear icon with the Customize sidebar label at the bottom of the sidebar and click on it.
2. Set the Sidebar button setting to Show and hide sidebar.
3. Click the sidebar button in the toolbar to hide the sidebar (it is highlighted in the second screenshot).
4. Right-click the sidebar icon and choose the Remove from toolbar option.
Set Sidebar button setting to "Show and hide sidebar"
Click the sidebar button in the toolbar to hide the sidebar
Right click the sidebar icon choose "Remove from toolbar" option.
If you have already removed the sidebar button from the toolbar and are stuck with the sidebar visible, but no toolbar button to close it:
1. Right-click the toolbar and choose the Customize toolbar option.
2. Drag the sidebar icon back to the toolbar and click Done in the lower right corner.
3. Once the sidebar button is back in your toolbar, click it to close the sidebar.
4. Right-click the sidebar icon and choose the Remove from toolbar option.
Sidebar expanded with no sidebar button visible
Return the sidebar button via Customize toolbar
Close the sidebar, right-click the sidebar button and remove it.
12-22-2024 05:51 AM
Sidebar is an amazing feature thats being tested and it works fine for me.
I would like to ask that with other sidebar extensions like "Twitter as a Sidebar" and "Open in Sidebar" the width of sidebar remains same for everyone, it is possible to have different width for different extensions as per the needs of that extension. Something that we can change on our own. The AI chatbot has different width than rest so something like that only.
12-24-2024 09:54 AM
Hi, I actually enjoy the feature since it disables the tabs on the top of the screen and they are just moved to the left in a more compact and efficient way.
One thing I would like to notice, is for users to be able to customize whether they want this feature enabled or not.
I used to be able to access this feature, but I had to reinstall Firefox on a new OS install and lost the feature. Because of this, looking at the other comments, I found out that I could re-enable the feature in about:config -> sidebar.revamp -> True . For those of us that enjoy the feature, I wish there was a more accesible way to configure this.
Thanks for all the work you do!
12-24-2024 11:53 AM
What an annoying thing to do to somebody. Hey, I know you won't mind if I come over to your house and screw up your work tools? How about if I add a new light switch that's hidden half the time and comes and goes randomly, you'd love that wouldn't you?
12-27-2024 12:43 PM
I am a keyboard user and have given the new bookmarks and history side panelrs a test in Firefox 133.0.3.
Unfortunately I have found some significant usage problems with the history panel.
Basic keyboard navigations that used to work with the old history and bookmarks panels no longer work with the new history panel (although fortunately they still work in the new bookmarks panel).
I will go into details regarding the navigational issues in a moment, but first wanted to say that several features seem to be missing. For example:
* the ability to sort by Last Visited, without having the results grouped into date folders
* the ability to open a site in a new tab without leaving the history list or the current page. This makes, for example, opening several sites in the panel more difficult as you cannot just press ctrl+enter on one, arrow to the next and repeat, as the keyboard focus has left the list and is now on the newly opened site
* the ability to copy the current item's URL by pressing ctrl+C
* the ability to bookmark results via the context menu
* the ability to select several results via pressing ctrl+space, in order that these could be bulk opened or copied to the clipboard or bookmarked etc.
On another note, I have noticed that if you press F6 when not in the history side panel, then the first element to be focused when the new side panel is reached is the close button. Whereas the search box was the first element that was focused when F6ing to the old panel, which makes more sense to me.
So here are the navigational problems with keyboard use.
As alluded to above, normally you can quickly cycle between various major Firefox UI elements such as the side panel, the address bar, the main website page etc. using F6 and shift+F6. The old history side panel occurred only once in the list of elements that F6 / shift+F6 moves between.
And when in the old history side panel, you could jump between various major panel elements such as the search box, the close button, the results list etc. using tab and shift+tab. The entire results list occurred only once in the list of elements that tab / shift+tab moves between.
With the new side panel it seems that if there is a list of sites shown in the panel, then each of these individual sites will be placed on the list of elements that F6 / tab moves between.
Why is this a major navigational issue? Let's say that you have searched for a term and currently have result 23 of 94 selected. Now let's say that you want to jump to the main web page. With the old history panel you could just press F6 to leave the panel and jump to the main page or next major Firefox UI element. With the new panel pressing F6 will take you to result 24, then result 25, then result 26...
Or let's say instead that you wish to refine ore change your search. With the old history panel you could press shift+tab twice to leave the results list and go to the search box. With the new panel pressing shift+tab will take you to result 22, then result 21, then result 20...
Giving each item on the results list its own position in the F6 / tab cycle is a major setback for keyboard navigation. Again, the old system where the entire side panel occurred only once in the F6 cycle, and the entire results list section of the side panel occurred only once in the tab cycle, was far better for overall UI navigation.
As for quickly navigating within the results list itself, unfortunately there are major problems here too. As with the old history panel, pressing up and down will move through the results list, but other navigational keys no longer work. Namely home, end, pageup, pagedown. So if you want to get to the bottom of a long list you can't just press end as you could before etc.
Also, you can no longer press left to jump to the containing date folder of the current group, or press left / right to collapse / expand the current group, as you could before.
I have also noticed that you cant arrow up and down between date folders, only their expanded site lists.
Finally, 'search as you type' no longer works with the new history panel. Before you could press B while in the results list and this would cycle between all shown items that start with a B, for example.
So please make keyboard navigation work as it did with the old history side panel. In my view restoring F6 and tab to their old 'move between major elements only' behaviours is the top priority, although restoring the left, right, home, end etc. navigations and 'search as you type', should also happen.
And also please restore the multi-select functionality, where you could select several sites by, for example, using ctrl+space, and then perform an operation on all of them at once.
Thanks for reading.
12-28-2024 01:26 AM
Wow, even more (and a lot !) issues with the new History panel shoved in the new sidebar, on top of the ones I pointed out in my own comment (without sparking any reaction ...).
I don't know for the sidebar itself, but imho the new History Panel should be dropped entirely. And the old one should be kept, independent from sidebar. The new one has a quite insane amount of regressions to it and doesn't provide anything new anyway. It feels like someone from Chrome is now working on FF ... simplistic bs with quite limited available interactions. Chrome isn't a browser, it's a toy. I hope FF doesn't go this way (which it already did when it did the huge mistake of merging the search and url bars, seriously reducing their individual power ... but at least there was an option - a real one, not a hidden config - to go back)
01-06-2025 04:02 PM
Hi! Thank you so much for the thoughtful feedback. Having you list specific use cases of keyboard navigation that are important to you is very helpful(it's not something the browser tracks, hence it's tough to quantify how many folks use them with any regularity). We are working to bring the new History panel to parity on quite a few items you mentioned, but it will take a few releases to get there.
01-06-2025 05:14 PM
Will there be a User Study?
01-08-2025 08:59 PM
The newest version removed the firefox theme from the sidebar
Also , kindly add expand on hover feature
01-09-2025 01:51 PM
This new misfeature was just sprung on me with the update to Firefox 134.0, and it's awful. It adds 60-70 dead pixels on the left of every browser window, and it doesn't appear to have an "off" button?! If you right click in the dead space trying to find a way to turn it off, it seems to conflate all of the dead space with whichever extension (e.g., Bitwarden) has displayed a button most directly above the dead space, so you get a "Remove extension" option which seems like something you could click on to remove the bar -- except obviously it's now trying to remove the extension, which is basically a dangerous misdirection.
Why is this on by default? Why is there no immediate "please, no, turn that off" button prominently displayed? The new toolbar button only allows you to choose to make it even bigger or the original size?
The only reason to use Firefox instead of Chrome is to retain some small amount of control over your Internet browsing and your computing devices. If Mozilla is going to start forcing things like this on people, there will be literally no reason not to just accept Chrome.
01-09-2025 05:24 PM
> If you’re not ready to engage with these new features
The usage of A/B testing and refusal to treat users as human beings is absolutely disgusting. You don't get to decide what is good for other people and decide that they're just not ready when they reject your forced ideas.
01-09-2025 05:31 PM
It's like you're trying to treat users with the same disdain that Google does, without having Google's power to coerce them into using your product anyways.
01-10-2025 12:46 AM
I just want to say that the new sidebar is far from perfect but good enough to have made me abandon Arc and return to Firefox in all my computers, both work and personal.
I look forward to improvements to tab groups (nearly useless with vertical tabs in the sidebar) and being able to resize the sidebar (as I use an ultrawide monitor, I would really want to drag it to be wider).
But congrats to the company, you won one user back!
And I'm absolutely appalled by some of the destructive criticism I'm seeing in this thread. I hope Mozilla takes the useful feedback but just ignore tantrums.
01-11-2025 08:06 PM
Agreed. I made a similar switch a while back: first to Zen Browser (a Firefox fork) then to Firefox Nightly. The vertical tabs implementation is good here (and getting better, as evidenced in the latest Nightly) and people are being honestly ridiculous. I get being frustrated by a feature you don't want, but good lord.
01-10-2025 02:44 PM
Long-time Tree Style Tabs user here. I miss TST now that I'm giving this sidebar a try, but at the same time it's a complicated extension and I still had to use additional CSS tweaks to get what I wanted, so I'm willing to sacrifice some features for a native and more simple functionality.
My main asks are:
1. Autoexpand: I'd like to be able to remove the toggle button and autoexpand on mouse hover.
2, related to 1: Configurable width of contracted sidebar. Just like the sidebar width can be changed with drag and drop when expanded, the contracted position shouldn't be fixed at X pixels (weirdly, it lets us drag and drop too, but with no effect, is it planned?).
3. A keyboard shortcut for expand/contract.
4. Keep the possibility of tweaks through userChrome.css (aka Keep Power Users Happy).
Thanks for all the work you're doing, Firefox+uBlock Origin is still the best browser.
01-11-2025 09:07 PM
I have followed these stupid instructions on how to remove this **bleep** sidebar that’s literally about to send me into an autistic meltdown and it still won’t go away. What it did instead was get BIGGER. I’m going back to chrome.
01-13-2025 10:26 AM
It's growing on me. Now just trying to get used to the vertical tabs with tab groups experience.
01-15-2025 12:21 PM
I have been using Arc and Zen for months and I'm so happy this feature is now on Firefox! I do have some feedback:
1. I prefer how Arc has a line that separates "pinned" and non-pinned tabs, and the pinned ones return back to their set URL (including the grid they call Favorites and Firefox calls Pins).
2. Firefox is a bit visually busy, with the "AI chatbot", "Tabs from other devices", etc buttons at the bottom of the sidebar that could just be icons, tabs not being renamable (this is a consequence of my first point), and a lot of icons in the top right. Also, the Groups are fairly ugly in my opinion, and spacing/sizing in the Pinned grid and vertical tab list could be adjusted/increased a bit so play/pause buttons aren't almost covering icons, etc.
3. I want the option for the sidebar and tabs to sync between machines 1:1 rather than being only accessible through one of the several "Tabs from other devices" areas in Firefox. This allows you to pick up what you were doing when you switch to a different computer. I've seen other people say this is what is keeping them from switching back to Firefox.
4. I would like an option to move everything (address bar, extensions) to the sidebar, to give more vertical space in the way Zen does it with an expansion of the top bar on mouseover to make minimize/maximize/close buttons appear, or even just leave everything where it is and have it hide until mouseover.
5. The option to have grids within Groups so you have multiple separated grids of tabs is something I've seen people try in Zen using custom CSS and I think the idea has merit.
6. When you expand a Group and the sidebar becomes full so that you have to scroll up and down, it puts you at the bottom rather than the top, which means you have to now scroll up in order to collapse the Group again, which is annoying.
01-16-2025 06:56 AM
Hi, I really like the new sidebar and vertical tabs (Using Firefox Nightly, if that's important). One feature that would make the experience really good is if you could implement a keyboard shortcut that presses the sidebar button. I like using the sidebar as an immersion/focus type deal, since I don't have to see the other tabs I have unless I expand the sidebar ( I previously used fullscreen mode to achieve a similar effect, but not being able to see my extensions and other buttons annoyed me; the new approach suits me personally more).
01-20-2025 01:08 AM
Please, please, do something about the scrolling speed of the vertical tabs. I've got **bleep**loads open, and even though my mouse has a free-spin (Logitech MX Revolution), the scrolling speed still requires multiple spins. Also, while spinning, it seems like Firefox is struggling to show the pop-up balloons with the tab info, for EVERY tab that scrolls by. Just add a hover delay before the **bleep** thing pops up!
01-22-2025 07:02 AM
Well, am I the only one who feels the close button on each tab is straightforward enough to click on my mistake? I've closed my tabs many times by mistake. Can I disable the button?
We can use the pattern of Microsoft Edge -- when you move your mouse on the tab, the tab will spread so that there will be enough space to show the close button without letting people close the tab by mistake.
01-25-2025 02:49 AM
This new sidebar has finally fixed the issue where the browsing history is sorted by last visited, and clicking links jumps to the top of the history sidebar. I think this is great! However, I hope the sidebar can be permanently hidden. Otherwise, after using the history or bookmarks sidebar, I still have to collapse that useless sidebar, which is inconvenient.
01-26-2025 07:23 PM
I love the new sidebar, I started using them back when they were introduced in Edge, but when I switched to Firefox I missed them, and now we can have them. The only thing I miss is being able to hover the mouse over the bar andd display the tabs, just like when using Edge.
03-07-2025 12:10 PM
02-05-2025 06:54 PM
just wanted to say i really love the inclusion of native vertical tabs now and think it looks great, my only addition would be adding the ability to expand on hovering your cursor over the sidebar but i see that's already in development so great job all around
02-08-2025 08:18 PM
I wasn't part of the test group for some reason, but I turned it on anyway for testing. Some feedback:
First, I use Sidebery for tabs. The only feature of the sidebar revamp I actually want is the native ability to hide the horizontal tab bar, which has been an eyesore requiring janky workarounds for the better part of a decade. If I could have that feature by itself separately from the revamp, and continue using the old style of sidebar, that's what I would do.
Second, the revamped sidebar wastes a lot of space when using anything that isn't tabs. Since I use Sidebery for tabs, there's now an empty void next to Sidebery with a few buttons at the bottom for settings, history, bookmarks, etc. These selectors seem to be horizontal at the bottom of the sidebar when no "sidebar" is open, but for some reason they rearrange vertically into this weird extra sidebar when any sidebar is open. They shouldn't ever have to move at all, but for some reason using Sidebery (or any sidebar) looks like this:
You can see, indicated by the mouse cursor, the quite substantial chunk of real estate being taken up by literally nothing. I don't understand this design choice - there's plenty of room at the bottom for those buttons, why not just leave them there?
Third, if I close and reopen the sidebar, it doesn't default to what was last selected, but instead to what I assume is the tabs view (despite all native tabs being hidden by Sidebery). Native tabs are also what I presume that empty space is supposed to be for, but for me it serves no purpose.
02-10-2025 08:33 AM
The new sidebar toolbar wastes too much space for few buttons. Please consider making it like it was in the good old All-in-One Sidebar extension ages ago:
02-11-2025 12:14 AM
Please move the option of switching to vertical tabs away from the tab context menu - or at the very least move it to a different place in that menu.
Putting the option to a position where "Reopen closed tab" has been for the last ten years is abysmally bad UX decision.
I would argue that the option shouldn't be visible in the tab's context menu at all since it's highly unlikely that someone would want to do that switch often but putting it where another often used option has been previously is just completely wrong.
02-13-2025 03:54 AM
I like using the new sidebar and vertical tabs. It always bugged me how much vertical space the UI used. It's almost perfect now with vertical tabs and compact mode (unfortunately deprecated and hidden by default).
Some issues I still have with the new sidebar (using FF 136):
Then there are some issues with tab groups, but I suppose they are not exclusive to vertical tabs:
02-13-2025 09:45 AM
Hey, I really, really like vertical tabs, thank you so much for adding it! I've been waiting for it for years.
A couple of feature requests:
02-15-2025 02:00 PM
Can Mozilla stop adding incredibly useless buttons to the Tab context menu?
How often do you guys actually toggle Vertical Tabs on and off in your daily browsing sessions?
Leave the customization in the "about:preferences" settings. Why is it in every menu (titlebar, toolbar, tabs)?
If you really want to annoy Firefox users, just add every single line listed in "about:config" as individual buttons in the right-click context menus. Surely that would be amazing UX! /s
02-15-2025 11:38 PM
One of the recent updates has changed the right-click context menu for all tabs to add 'turn on Vertical Tabs' to the bottom. Previously, the bottom of that menu was the 'reopen closed tab' option. I now turn on Vertical Tabs every time I try to reopen a closed tab. This is causing me a lot of anger, which I have no choice but to direct toward the Vertical Tabs function. Does the benefit of presenting the option to use vertical tabs to users in this way outweigh the inconvenience of messing up muscle memory?
02-16-2025 06:34 AM
I'm probably writing this quite late but I wanted to share my feedback nonetheless. I was initially quite sceptical and needed to adjust to the change because I have been so used to just having tabs along the top bar and taking up minimal screen real estate to do so. Vertical tabs felt very much like a downgrade in terms of visual cleanliness and web content to screen ratio, especially at the default width of the sidebar. That said, now that I have been using it for a month or two, I have very much been converted. The BIGGEST improvement over horizontal tabs (in my opinion) is the equal width given to every tab regardless of number making finding the right tab by name actually possible when one has more than a handful of tabs open at any given time (which I do because of the fun combination of the ADHD shotgun approach to clicking links, and doing academic research for university assignments). The granularity of control is also something I very much enjoy having. I love that I can control things like whether I want to use horizontal or vertical tabs, which side I want the sidebar on, how wide I want it, whether to show it at all, and which Firefox tools I actually want to see buttons for. That degree of customisability is not something that should or perhaps even can be taken for granted these days, so thank you. I'm also very much looking forward to what extension creators and maintainers can come up with for even more creative, fun, and functional uses for the sidebar.
This is one of of the many reasons why I love Firefox ( :
02-18-2025 03:33 AM
Really liking the new sidebar but having the toolbar at the left of it constantly taking up space is really annoying. It would be much better if you could completely hide the toolbar and just have a panel open. The toolbar takes up a lot of space and it's redundant if you have already pinned your extensions to the top toolbar and have a tab extension such as sideberry. It would be even nicer if you could configure it to always show, always be hidden, or hide when you open a sidebar panel. That said, I think this can be a great improvement if these little issues are fixed, and if the users who don't want it can revert back to the original sidebar.
02-21-2025 11:55 AM - edited 02-21-2025 11:58 AM
Hi. Nice work with the vertical tabs. I'm finally ready to use Firefox again. High on my wish list: make it possible to move tab groups to reorder them and also move them out of the current window to either create a new window with that group or move the group to another existing browser window. To be completely honest, I wouldn't mind if would simply replicate all Edge features when it comes to vertical tabs and tab groups...
03-01-2025 02:27 AM
If anything was going to make me switch to Chrome, it’s this forced sidebar. Thankfully, I found instructions on Reddit to disable it through the about:config settings.
03-04-2025 11:44 PM
Hello, I just got 136 and noticed some odd behavior when using vertical tabs, for some reason it won't recognize the cursor if it's on the very top of the screen, it's not a thing that happens on horizontal tabs.
I recorded a video showing it: https://i.imgur.com/sw6BLlj.mp4
03-06-2025 03:54 PM
sidebar then bookmark... why not set float ? (the bookmark).. it really "fat"
03-06-2025 09:03 PM - edited 03-06-2025 09:10 PM
The release branch version of vertical tabs have several visual annoyances that weren’t present in the preview versions that really should be reverted.
I *could* use keyboard shortcuts to navigate tabs to get around these latter irritations but sometimes I just wanna use my dang mouse. I’m not sure the reasons why these were changed but it’s a pretty obvious visual and functional downgrade from preview. Please let us change it back.
edit: grabbed an example pic from reddit since I’m not at my desktop. look at how messy this is
03-07-2025 03:41 AM
Tried new vertical layout in FF.136.
Nice, but i Have several pinned tabs with active web-icon (GMail, Slack, WhatsApp, etc )
I can show only 5 pinned tabs. I haven’t find an easy way (mouse or about:config) to resize (enlarge) pinned tabs area.
03-07-2025 03:44 AM
FF.136. Is it possible to have tab title tooltip on mouse move over the tab icons ?