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Share your feedback on the AI services experiment in Nightly


Hi folks, 

In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it. 

If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here). 

We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.

Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!

3,728 REPLIES 3,728

Making moves

Stop that.

Making moves

No. Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.

Making moves

Please don't, i use firefox because it doesn't have the AI nonsense. I would heavily consider changing browsers if this is implemented

Making moves

I would rather chew glass.

Making moves

Please don't inplement AI features, I don't want to ise a browser with those.

Making moves

Please do not ruin Firefox by adding useless AI!!!

Making moves

Please don't.

Making moves

please god no. Do Not taint this good browser with ai.

Not applicable

please don't add any kind of AI to firefox, all of the '' 'helpful AI' '' that's floating around is just actively poisoning the internet, generating misinformation, or both.

I for sure won't be using it but the fact that it would be there to begin with makes my skin crawl.

Making moves

I would rather cut out my own eye than use ''ai'' and rhi makes me want to switch to another browser

Making moves

AI kills our planet. Do not pass go. Do not continue. Cease this nonsense at once. You are better than this.

Making moves

I do not want any ai man 😭😭 I appreciate it being an option but it's just so useless and annoying on other browsers/apps please don't open the gate 🫶

Making moves


Making moves

Please, no. AI has not done anything to enhance any other browser I have tried, I do not want it here.

Making moves

My two favorite things about Firefox are the privacy and reliability. I know that when I use Firefox my data will be kept private, not sold to google or other mega corporations so I can be shown targeted ads. I also know that the browser and whole system will reliably work for me every time I try to use it. Neither of the same can be said about AI. AI steals data from people who never consented to having their words, artwork, voices, photos, videos etc taken to train an artificial ‘intelligence’. I never want my data or anything I write or make to be used for AI in any capacity at all! It’s also incredibly unreliable. If I have a question, I can search up my question and read articles and sources to synthesize an answer. AI does not work like this. It takes information and presumes that things most commonly said are true, or worse it vomits up a random selection of words, none of which are true. It’s extremely unreliable, and that’s not even mentioning the environmental impacts it has. AI as it stands is completely contrary to the entire reason I use, like and trust Firefox! If we’re going to start spitting in the face of privacy and reliability, why would I continue to use this platform?

Making moves

I believe this feature may not be particularly beneficial at this time. While I appreciate the interest in adopting emerging technologies, a brief online search will reveal that AI applications, such as ChatGPT and Midjourney, often lead to inefficiencies and can inadvertently disseminate misinformation. For example, Google's AI summarization tool has issued dangerous recommendations, including the synthesis of hazardous substances such as mustard gas and napalm.

Beyond concerns about potential slowdowns, I would strongly advise against the implementation of this feature due to the current instability of AI models and their reliance on predictive algorithms, which lack necessary fail-safes for reliable usage. Instead, I recommend redirecting our resources toward optimizing browser performance, particularly in relation to managing higher RAM usage, as this is a prevalent issue among many users.

Making moves

Please don't. Please. No.

Making moves

Please do not.
I do not want nor need AI scraping things more than it already does. No one needs further en**bleep**tification of the internet.
I understand it's an Opt-In...for now. But so many things start as "only on the periphery, you don't need it for core things" and become...what everything else has become.

Making moves

Please do not do this. AI wastes absurd amounts of energy just to give inaccurate results that clog up good answers, and has made interest searches hard enough to use already. Do not contribute to this

Making moves

No. If Firefox adds AI I'm looking for another browser.

Making moves

Please do not add an AI feature, it only annoys me and adds nothing to my firefox experience. Have a nice day.

Making moves

And just like that, I'm looking at alternative web browser options. Not interested in using Firefox if this gets implemented.

Making moves

Please, no. I can find my own useless bull**bleep**, I don't need it served up to me directly by my browser.

Making moves

I will absolutely switch browsers if this becomes a standard feature, toggle or no toggle. If I wanted an idiot machine to scrape my data and feed me nonsense back I'd still be on chrome. You can distinguish yourself by being secure, private, and to work on actual functional features instead of stupid AI bloat. 

Making moves

Browsers embracing AI has made the online experience substantially worse and I have no reason to believe that outcome will change just because a different browser is doing it. Privacy has always been my biggest draw to Firefox but the lack of AI integration became a close second after seeing it everywhere else.

Making moves

I don't believe there's any good or rational reason to implement generative AI features into Firefox. You don't need to look far to see a wide range of examples on how these services actively make life worse for people around the globe.

The only real reason to implement generative AI into a browser is because it's the "new trend", and companies love jumping on any bandwagon that looks half-way profitable.

I know a company is a company is a company, but please don't be that kind of company, Mozilla. Listen to your userbase and focus on making Firefox better, not worse.

Making moves

Please don't add AI features, nobody sensible wants them.

Making moves

A Large Language Model Text Interpreter and Generator is not going to fly in any legitimately privacy focused development. But more than that, these Models continue to be Problems in search of Solutions. To that end:

Give us a User Story that this "AI Services Sidebar" provides some satisfying conclusion to. "As A [Kind of User], I want to [Perform Some Action], so I [Use the Sidebar in a specific way]."

Making moves

No please. I'm sick of having AI shoved in my face everywhere I go by every company I see.

Making moves

By the way, if you're hoping AI can do relatively harmless/innocuous sounding things for Firefox users, it also probably can't do those. It can't even summarize text.

"Reviewers told the report’s authors that AI summaries often missed emphasis, nuance and context; included incorrect information or missed relevant information; and sometimes focused on auxiliary points or introduced irrelevant information. Three of the five reviewers said they guessed that they were reviewing AI content.

The reviewers’ overall feedback was that they felt AI summaries may be counterproductive and create further work because of the need to fact-check and refer to original submissions which communicated the message better and more concisely."

Making moves

nNOOOOO. no thank you AI is horrible for the environment with the amount of water it consumes, it's useless and annoying to the average consumer, and it steals from writers and people who just put their opinions out online. These are all of course big issues just listen to the feedback from other sites like google or the new copilot on the lenovos. people HATE them, me included. You can't even opt out of having them intrude in your experience, and one of the reasons I chose firefox is because there's no AI here. Its a fast reliable no nonsense browser and i fear this AI addition would take away from that.

Making moves


Making moves

Nothing on God's green earth could possibly make adding AI to Firefox make it more attractive to use and would actively push away the users who come specifically because Firefox ISN'T the bad part of the Internet. Please don't burn that bridge.

Making moves

Absolutely not.

Hope this helps 🙂

Making moves

Don't want it.

Making moves

Definitely not a fan of this idea. The AI sidebar isn't something I'm looking for in a browser and find it quite cumbersome to deal with. I would much rather have the ability to filter out AI generated results and find factual information created by real humans, not improvisational generative AI.

Making moves

AI is a horrible waste of energy that spreads misinformation because it can't even tell how many letters are in a word, that has NO place in a browser that's been committed to the safety of its users since it's beginning.  I will be switching browsers if this is implemented.

Making moves

Good god please do NOT. The amount of utter trash and misinformation that is generated by the ai assistants is untrustworthy and honestly just pisses me off. Do not, do not, do not, do not.

Making moves

I think you'll find the overwhelming response is that people don't want this. I appreciate it being an opt-in feature instead of an opt-out, but it's a little disappointing to see it at all. I use Firefox to avoid all the bloated add-ons other browsers insist on.

Making moves

I made an account just to say ABSOLUTELY NOT. I cannot emphasize enough how much i don't want AI to be in my browser. I've been using firefox for years, but this might be the first fork in my arm that makes me consider trying to find a new one. AI is a privacy nightmare and horrible for the environment, and i will not tolerate it. My mind cannot be swayed on this matter.

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