11:55 AM
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02:19 PM
Hi folks,
In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it.
If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here).
We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.
Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!
09-10-2024 04:52 PM
IT IS ALREADY A DISASTER FOR POWER GRIDS, WATER SOURCES, AND EMMISSIONS, not to mention the problems with misinformation and plagiarism.
09-10-2024 05:00 PM
No I like Firefox because of its privacy. AI is invasive and also has horrible ecological effect
09-10-2024 05:00 PM
absolutely not!!! ai sucks and nobody wants it!!! i’d like a liveable planet please!!!
09-10-2024 05:06 PM
No AI please I'm so tired
09-10-2024 05:06 PM
Please do not implement this.
09-10-2024 05:09 PM - edited 09-10-2024 05:12 PM
There has been much great discussion about why this is such a shocking betrayal of your values, but I'd like to comment on two specific issues:
Adding generative AI to Firefox, even in a disabled state, is an indefensible decision. And the massive community response we're seeing here is overwhelmingly negative. Mozilla, please, listen to your users and remove these garbage chatbots!
09-10-2024 05:09 PM
hey i think adding ai is an absolutely horrific idea. catastrophically bad.
09-10-2024 05:09 PM
this makes no sense at all—firefox is THE privacy browser, why would we, a userbase that prioritizes privacy (including privacy for the data that’s being scraped for ai training databases) want ai implemented in our browser? it makes no sense, and everyone here is clearly not in favor of this. i saw a social media post with thousands of people agreeing, not to mention all these comments here. terrible idea
09-10-2024 05:09 PM
If Firefox starts using AI I'll straight up uninstall it and switch to another browser
09-10-2024 05:11 PM
@asafko wrote:Hi folks,
In the next few days, we will start the Nightly experiment which provides easy access to AI services from the sidebar. This functionality is entirely optional, and it’s there to see if it’s a helpful addition to Firefox. It is not built into any core functionality and needs to be turned on by you to see it.
If you want to try the experiment, activate it via Nightly Settings > Firefox Labs (please see full instructions here).
We’d love to hear your feedback once you try out the feature, and we’re open to all your ideas and thoughts, whether it’s small tweaks to the current experience or big, creative suggestions that could boost your productivity and make accessing your favorite tools and services in Firefox even easier.
Thanks so much for helping us improve Firefox!
Please no, I will never use it, have ethical issues about the current environmental and labor impacts of large scale computing "ai", and am sick of it being added into every computer program that can hold it.
09-10-2024 05:13 PM
i love firefox very much but the only thing ai does is hurt the environment and give trash results, i think its just a trend and im sad to see firefox trying to hop on it when firefox is already the best for avoiding annoying features.
09-10-2024 05:15 PM
Please no AI.
AI is everywhere on the internet. If someone wants to use it, they can find it in seconds. Firefox is one of the few places left that doesn't throw AI crap at you every five seconds.
Generative AI is based on intellectual property theft, frequently widely inaccurate or downright completely wrong, and it's terrible for the environment.
I appreciate that you're making it opt-in rather than opt-out like most places are doing, but it still shows that you care more about chasing after the current hot topic than about ethical and environmental concerns.
Just ... Please no.
09-10-2024 05:16 PM
09-10-2024 05:16 PM
Please for the love of god do not do this. Generative ai is one of the worst inventions of all time. I cannot explain enough how badly I want ai to stay as far away as possible from mozilla. I beg of you get an engineer in charge of the company not a money maker.
09-10-2024 05:19 PM
I personally use Firefox as an alternative to other bloatware-induced browsers. AI as it currently stands adds nothing but frustration to the user experience, and at least in my case would lose trust in Mozillas intentions for user privacy. Please don't.
09-10-2024 05:22 PM
Generative AI is probably the most frustratingly useless and blatantly unethical thing that could be integrated into Firefox. If this makes it into a full build I will not update Firefox any more, and will likely look into other browsers and see if there are any left with a spine.
09-10-2024 05:23 PM
PLEASE do not add AI to any part of Firefox. I trust this browser because it doesn't do things like that and seems to want the best for it's users, and adding AI features is the opposite. It's just horrible on so many levels. Even as an optional feature, running AI is shady, hostile, and not environmentally friendly. If this feature is officially added I'll have to stop using Firefox after years and years of being loyal.
09-10-2024 05:23 PM
No, absolutely not. Everywhere else is already using AI, if that's what we wanted then we would go use those services. Instead, we are here. Is nothing sacred? Must everything be ruined by this environment-destroying, privacy-invading, content-thieving rubbish? Please, I beg of thee, do NOT implement AI features. As many other users have already indicated, I will gladly move to a different, more trustworthy service if this continues. I came here to get away from all of this.
09-10-2024 05:25 PM
I don’t think it’s necessary. AI searches aren’t super reliable on their own, and at this point they’re just clogging up everything and making the internet harder to navigate.
09-10-2024 05:29 PM
Please don't.
This trend of "AI" is turning the online world a hot mess and a lot of people started using Firefox because you weren't falling over all over yourselves to join a defunct clique.
As a current user, do not implement this. Anyone telling you this is the Next Best Thing are lying to you and only after your money to cover their losses.
09-10-2024 05:36 PM
You're better than this. It's a gimmick. I'll switch duckduckgo to my homebar on principle if you implement an AI assistant, even if it's opt in
09-10-2024 05:40 PM
This is essentially an addon, just put it in the addon marketplace
09-10-2024 05:42 PM
Integrating any kind of generative AI into firefox would immediately incentivise me to look for a different browser. I imagine this opinion would be shared by many who use it.
09-10-2024 05:45 PM
I would not like this! I may stop using Firefox entirely if this happens! Do not do this!
09-10-2024 05:47 PM
09-10-2024 05:48 PM
PLEASE NO. Whenever the subject of browsers comes up in conversation (which, among my student and writer friends, is surprisingly often), I always tout Firefox.
Please don't make me regret doing that.
09-10-2024 05:48 PM
hey! i'm a longtime firefox user, and i'd like to ask that you guys DO NOT add any AI functionality or services to firefox or any other mozilla services.
generative AI is not only completely useless, especially when attached to a web browser, but is also terrible for the environment, steals work from artists and writers, and fills search results with false information.
please, please, PLEASE do not add anymore garbage to the current flaming dumpster fire that is the internet, and instead dedicate your energy to improving the internet.
thank you.
09-10-2024 05:48 PM
DO NOT. if this goes through you will lose all goodwill as an alternative to google. do not shoot yourselves in the foot like this.
09-10-2024 05:52 PM
Please do not integrate AI into this. While I appreciate the fact that it needs to be turned on first to see it, part of the reason I use Firefox as my sole browser is because it's not got any AI attached to it. I have been recommending this browser for years due to its excellent service and privacy features, but attaching AI to it (even if fully optional) will see me going elsewhere.
09-10-2024 05:52 PM
No AI. I use Firefox bc its safer and it works. Don't ruin both those things
09-10-2024 06:01 PM
Absolutely not. At best, AI consumes a small lagoons worth of water to produce nothing, and at best it synthesizes old forum posts and incomplete facts into pleasantly-worded nothing.
09-10-2024 06:02 PM
Please, no.
Reading the linked instruction page, I can see where the idea comes from - that these things might be helpful. But ultimately Machine Generation is a copyright-violating, environment-destroying concept primarily favored by shareholders and people who don't know better. I have dropped websites, browsers, and apps the moment they began threatening to chain their Autocomplete 2.0-style spyware to anything. I don't want to drop Firefox.
Firefox is my alternative to Chromium-based browsers. It's where I'm trying to get as far as possible from Google's increasingly greedy, increasingly incompetent, increasingly invasive clutches. If Google's Plagiarism Machine gets folded into it, then there is no point to me using Firefox.
AI techbros will say otherwise because they think they can avoid NFTs 2.0, but AI is NFTs 2.0 (also, AI has so many different meanings now that you may find it more elegant to use the term "machine generation" or "generative AI" to elaborate) and is already on its way out. The Cloudflare debacle, its failure to handle things like McDonald's drivethru orders, nd multiple people being poisoned by using machine-generated mushroom guides are already known issues.
Please just lie to whatever shareholder or techbro is insisting on adding AI and let users use the browser normally, I'm begging you. Even Google employees don't use its crap AI in-house, that should tell you something.
Tl, dr: Absolutely not.
09-10-2024 06:10 PM
Long time firefox user here! Don't do this. No one comes to firefox for this. Know your userbase, don't waste your money on the incorrect information machine.
09-10-2024 06:18 PM
Please don't. you're out last bastion of good internet browsing. don't ruin it
09-10-2024 06:18 PM
If this affects search results in any way, it is a completely awful thing to experiment with. Search results with AI will give harmful information, and make searching for the exact thing you're looking for ten times harder. Looking at the cases of where AI has given false information, be it images or text, of which mushrooms are edible is a good example of how bad and even lethal it can be. Another example is how people will look up what is toxic for their pets, if given false information it can be lethal to the pet.
If it doesn't affect the search results, then it will most likely feed on user information, breaking the trust we users have on firefox. AI is being shoved into our faces in every day life, and that is not a good thing. It's tiring, it uses a ton of energy to get to work, gives false information and citations that don't exist, and is extremely easy to poison.
In short; no, we don't want AI
09-10-2024 06:22 PM
NO. A big reason I use firefox is to avoid all this ai crap shoved in our face by other services and browsers. No one asked for AI, please just leave it out so I wont have to stop using firefox and find another browser
09-10-2024 06:24 PM
Absolutely not. No. No one wants this. No one asked for this. Stop shoving "AI" down our throats, it's actively destroying the Internets ability to provide useful information. And has been proven time and time again to be stealing data from non-consenting users. I will not be updating my browser. If Firefox continues in this direction, I'll be switching to a different company.
09-10-2024 06:29 PM
No thank you!! Firefox is such a good + simple browser. It's a cut above the rest for me, but if AI is implemented it'll lose that status.
09-10-2024 06:30 PM
Please don't integrate Firefox with these environmental disasters!
09-10-2024 06:34 PM
Please DO NOT include AI! 😞